So you're bidding, and half the ducati forum is bidding, is the ok to stick a thread up and call DIBS?
I don't think that's fair. Besides anyone off the forum could bid. Most keep schtum 'till after it's bought.
I couldnt care less if the whole forum was bidding on something. I'd bid and win it anyway then post HAHA on here. Suckers.
Ahh if only UK ebay was around in the 40's. This is how it would have worked, now its like Mad Max 2. Minus the chaps and pink mohawk :tongue:
Ive no money so I couldnt care less. I could be double bluffing you though. And that isnt a euphemism.
I usually find something and have a wing and a prayer then someone posts up on another forum look at this for a monster and cheers !!!!
I saw that tank and thought about it - but I don't need another one, as it happens. Just as well, or we could have been bidding against one another.
momentary picture there, of something armoured, tracked and sporting a nice sized artillery piece on the turret- then i reflected for a few minutes. Disappointment tangible…..
Pete, you have enough tanks already :wink: He was advertising it as collection only, but I emailed him to see if he would post, always worth a try