Justin Bieber on Miami drink-drive charge after 'road racing'

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Hearing that he's held in custody really put a big smile on my face. Does this make me a bad person? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

    A fine is obviously nothing to someone of his wealth but will they really give him a custodial sentence? No way, money talks in US judicial system.
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  2. In the meantime he could share a cell with Bubba.
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  3. I wonder was it "Justified".....lol
  4. But remember, the little twat is Canadian and Americans can't stand them so we can all live in hope of a custodial sentence which IMO he richly deserves. Andy
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  5. released - $2500 bail
  6. Little bugger! He'll not be sleeping tonight worrying about the size of the fine.....
  7. [​IMG]
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  8. Yeah...wasn't smiling in court....2.5k he's probably got that in his back pocket....
  9. Little tosser! - the book probably isn't big enough to throw at him - what can he get? a custodial?....I bloody hope so!....I hope he gets seen by a bitter middle-aged judge like me!....
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  10. What spiffingly good news .
  11. I must say the one thing that irritates the hell out of me is yoofs that wear their jeans round their arses. And, ones that seem to deliberately go out and buy jeans that are deliberately cut wrong (ie they look like they've shat themselves....) Be interesting to see how this pans out. Be nice to see him get put away.

    I don't think ive seen him in any pic where any clothes actually fit him.
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  12. His jeans will will soon be around his ankles if he gets time . What I can't understand is why he ain't got a good beating yet.
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  13. This may not be all that popular......but can't bloody stand that little shit head!
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  14. Shame he wasn't seriously hurt might have made him think twice, but there again I doubt it.
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  15. I might get it in the neck for saying this but ive done a little over the speed limit before. My beef isn't with what he was driving or the way he was driving it - more with the person that he is.....young, ignorant etc etc - but then he's just a kid - the financial resources that he's got to hand just amplify it.

    Who'd like to be that age and have that kind of cash at hand. The age old saying youth is wasted on the young.
  16. He's a little Cnut. Hope he gets time for this and his other crimes... When he comes out he won't be able to tell the difference between a fart and a yawn...
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  17. I'd be a lot fVckig worse!
  18. I don't like him because when he rode his 848 around he did it in colour matched trainers. and a hoodie.
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  19. Apparently his Dad was with him all day and even helped set up the road block for his insane racing at 60mph!!! He's a Badassss :biggrin:
    Must be something in the genes....

    Not too bad:
    Ricky Gervais

    Prison Game: Just in Bieber

  20. He is not "a kid" - he's nearly 20 years old : or, about the same age as a lot of guys out on the ground in Afghan who are working hard and getting shot at on a regular basis. He is, however, a total dick. His biggest problem is that he is surrounded by sychophants who never say "no" to him, or tell him what a twat he actually is. He is in grave danger of becoming "Michael Jackson 2.0".
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