Best time & day to sell bike stuff?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bigredduke, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. I have sold a few things from time to time on Ebay with reasonable success. I have often wondered if there is an optimum time and day to sell bike bits. I have always assumed that Sunday around 6pm would be a good time to sell to maximise bids as people may have more time then. Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary?
  2. Saturday. Between 5-7pm.
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  3. i would suggest also finishing auction at the end of the month Paul, pay day and all that, evening ending sunday?

    good luck!
  4. Thursday and Sunday evenings are best apparently. Finishing about 8.30 to 9.30. After dinner but before bed
  5. I bet you say that to all the ladies :eek:
  6. Nah..... Every other Wednesday every 3rd month
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  7. As I usually stick my auctions on early morning, and have sold everything I've put on, I reckon an early morning finish is as good as any.
  8. Every 3 months? Lucky bugger.
  9. if its anything i want then make sure it finishes at 5am mondays :biggrin:
  10. I've been on ebay since it started (more than 10 years I think)....... Thursday or Sunday evening, 8-10pm, especially after pay day so first 2 weeks of the month.
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  11. That'll be after tea for the Monkey Hangers.
  12. I can tell you January has been terrible for eBay selling so far. Good for buying though!
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