I have a need for Crispy Cream Doughnuts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. It is like out of nowhere need so am I pregnant?

    Closest one is Westfield shopping centre so 12 miles return now how desperate am I ..... ?!
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  2. Firty Dozen here I come
  3. Ooooo and me

    There is no where close enough
    So feel free if anyone would like to deliver some
    Nom nom
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  4. Don't they have a stand at your local Tesco? All the Tesco's around here do.
  5. My local Tesco is Tesco express all they have is shit Tesco doughnuts.

    I am now down to lonely 6 :'(

    I feel ashamed but happy.
  6. Are you for real !
  7. No :(
  8. They make them 2 miles from me at Bluewater shopping centre
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  9. Yep it was good
  10. Nothing wrong some some KKs :) There a small one up in Holborn, just up the road from me......gives me an idea
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  11. Had one once... Thought it was sugar overload!...
  12. Except for they are nothing like Doughnuts .......little round golden sugar coated parcels of loveliness hot from the vendor on the pier that is a Doughnut

    KK version is very poor indeed, dry stodgy tasteless blob with some radio active looking stuff spread over it looking like it was made in a primary school art class
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  13. Indeed...thankfully, there is room for both in the market :) :)
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  14. Ooo, I love seaside doughnuts. 5 for a £1. Still warm...dribble
  15. Can't beat a warm churro and some warm chocolate sauce - much less sweet [​IMG]
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  16. Sounds like w@nking...:eek:
  17. Has he got the munchies? ....
  18. Now I have seen this I need to leave the office at lunch and drive up Tesco to get some!
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  19. Time to buy some shares me thinks :biggrin:
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