I'm feeling very sorry for myself this morning......a little proud but mostly sorry. Our winnings last night from the pub quiz were £21 in cash and a £20 bar tab between the 3 of us. Having been drinking all evening already, we decided to spend said bar tab on 3 Gin and Tonics. To Barman - Can we have 20 quids worth of gin and tonic split between 3 glasses please? To Me - certainly sir (I think he said sir) Upon awakening at an ungodly hour this morning with a pounding head and a spinning room, I concluded that the above order was not a good idea.....must have been at least a quadruple gin each. The trouble is I always do this with gin....it seems such a good idea at the end of an evening when full of beer. So what's the drink that gets you into trouble? What tips you over the edge? What' the little devil on your shoulder going 'just 1 more' whilst the angel on the other slaps its forehead and rolls its eyes.
Gin always gives me stomach ache, I had some Sloe Gin recently and I paid heavily for it the next morning in the toilet!!!!!. It's got to be Gin for me, I don't get drunk with it but it really upsets a few internal organs.
had a couple of ardbeags my self last night. the problem with booze i find is, ones not enough but twos to many.
Never got into the drinking thing....you cant fall off a car....never liked the taste of pretty well anything alcoholic - rather have a coke, orange juice and lemonade or milkshake....
If I drink port and brandy I can't lift my head off the pillow the next morning. Port and brandy must be heavy
I can't drink whiskey after a bad experience with it when I was 16. Most neat spirits bounce straight back out now.
I pretty much can handle anything apart from Pernod... Oh, and also Champagne after drinking pints of it the day of the London bombings when I couldn't get a train home... Drinking games are not a good idea!
Not big on spirit drinking. I do like the Robinsons Old Tom though if I feel the need for a strong beer!
I like alcohol - that is to say i am keen on alcoholic drinks of most natures. I'm not actually overbothered about the alcoholic effect, but it sort of comes with the drinks. In fact, the effect is often a bit of a pain. You want to drink a 3rd dry martini, but if you do, you'll be totally rat-arsed and have a hangover the next day. Dry martinis need to be treated with quite a lot of respect - after all, they are essentially neat gin. And you should be making them with export strength Tanqueray (Waitrose if you're interested) and that's 47.3% ABV. Otherwise the secret to drinking is not to mix drinks over much. If you've been slurping away on beer all evening and then have 3 G&Ts, it's not surprising that you'll end up with a headache and "spinning room syndrome". Since spinning room syndrome is normally accompanied the next day by "incredible shrinking brain syndrome" - the hangover - you want to make sure that you drink no end of water if you don't want to feel like death the next day. Force a pint of water down before you go to sleep. Drink another pint during the night, have another pint in the morning, and you'll feel a lot better. Sadly, when you are as pissed as a newt, it is often easy to forget all this good advice. Hard cheese.
I love a good glass of wine, but it has a habit of sneaking up on me and I don't realise how pissed I am until I try to get up and do something. Like walk.
SWMBO always has the good sense to leave a pint of water and a sachet of Resolve by the side of the bed. Sadly I am not clever enough to remember to do the same. :frown: