I can vouch for a pint of water and Dioralyte before bed too. Basically shoves salt into you so you don't dehydrate and feel awful......I got through a week at Posidonia (Greek shipping event in Athens) a few years ago using that method.
Im an ale man through and through but what really F***s my S*** up is the cheaper lagers, eg carling, Fosters and the like. Really pounding hangovers the following morning, dont even enjoy drinking the stuff I avoid it like the plague. On the other hand I have partaken in some seriously long ale sessions and whilst been a little off colour never hreally had the associated sicky headache. For the more expensive, posher hangover for me its got to be whiskey, including the whisky burps the following morning!
Completely agree, I was converted to Ales a couple of years ago and can't stop drinking the stuff now, I now find lager tastes gassy and processed.
It's always the drink past "what the hell point" that does for me. I'm a lightweight, even for a woman my size. I also don't generally get any kind of high/merriment from alcohol (ok I once had a mellow afternoon after some Caribbean rum punch, I can get giggly after fizz and after the 5 limoncellos forced on my when I had my birthday at WDW 2012). If wine, beer, whisky, cider etc. all had the same flavour and mouthfeel and glow, without any alcohol, that would suit me fine. It doesn't take much (sometimes even just half a glass of wine, especially at lunchtime, especially if I've not eaten) to start feeling the first head spinning drunkenness. Sometimes, especially if I've not had much, I'll think "what the hell, if I'm going to feel slightly squiffy anyway, I might as well have another drink". It is that drink beyond what the hell point that leads to regret. I rarely get hangovers, because I rarely drink enough that it's still with me the following morning. Normally when I've overdone it, it will be repeated trips to the bathroom the night before (speaking to King Ralph down the porcelain telephone) rather than feeling rough the following morning. As Glidd says, mixing drinks is unwise. My first hangover (1st term at university) followed a night in which I had white wine, red wine, beer and cider. As I awoke at 6am the following day with my head spinning one way and my stomach the other, I realised "this is that hangover business people talk about". Made it to my 9am lecture after a glass of water and a piece of dry toast, dashed out of my lecture at 10, threw up in the loos and went back to bed until 3pm.
Years ago I had a bad hangover after drinking to much Gin.After that I could never go anywhere near Gin again.Amazing what life preserving memories are kept in the old brain.I hardly touch alcohol these days,but when I do,a real ale is nice.
Ah what ye lot need is a pint of real Guinness. Not the slops they give ye across the water, but a proper pint allowed to settle before being topped up. And I mean a proper, 568ml pint, not this EU half a litre shite. Always shocks me when i'm in Blighty how poor the Guinness is. Lets start a campaign....:biggrin:
Dunno why. Diageo (Guinness) closed Park Royal as a brewing site for Guinness years ago, so that all the Guinness you buy in the UK is now made in the same place in Dublin, to the same recipe, in identical fashion. Maybe it doesn't travel.
Sambooca OMG that stuff kills me Percy porcelain has me for the night and my head belongs to somewhere else Gawwwd I feel ill typing this at the thought
I think its the way the pint is pulled. Worked in bar work while in college and there's a big difference between a newbies pint, and a guy doing it years. I was in a bar in Birmingham last year and it was pure slop. Pulled like lager and dumped up without being allowed to settle. Bastards...... BTW i'm not 60 i'm only 32.....I just like my Guinness...:tongue: