Religion at its best

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. Pakistan is a failed state. Its backward and a den of bigotry and terrorism. Its no wonder India hates them. Imagine having them as neighbours.

    Islam is a joke. If they want to hear blasphemy, I'll give it to them. There is NO GOD. There are NO PROPHETS. The Koran is a lie written by men.
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  2. Mohammed sucks cock
  3. Bet you wouldnt have said that to Ali's face ;-)

  4. Totally agree about Pakistan, I`ve had the misfortune to go there on business and it truly is an unpleasant place .
    They are not obliging like most of the Western World in that they don't drop their strides , bend over and allow everyone to shaft them but we should copy them in that respect although it is probably too late .

    Sadly Islam is not a joke and neither are all the other fairy story religions as millions (billions ? ) of people prove every day with their ridiculous/violent/tragic antics. Still if we didn't have politics or religion what excuses would there be to start a war ?
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  5. Anybody that believe in a higher being in this age is burying their head in the sand. Maybe 2000 years ago it was understandable to believe in an almighty being, but for how far humanity has come in the last 200 years, it's crazy. These people have f**k all (despite our millions in overseas aid) and want to drag everyone to their level. I find it incredible that some governments aren't seriously thinking banning religion.

    You have 90% of the middle east wanting to kill each other and the other 10% wanting to kill us for not being believers. Look at the decades of unrest in Northern Ireland between different religions. The Catholic church's stance on condoms spreading AIDS in Africa. and on and on.

    I do find Shaolin monks quite cool though. All of that peaceful Kung-Fu business. :upyeah:
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  6. Football?
  7. Red versus yellow?
  8. Rangers and Celtic. Two football teams from the same city, whose supporters probably live next door to each other and are rational and reasonable citizens. Yet you put the religious differences in place and they want to kill each other.
  9. I did consider that but isn't it more of a town centre fight than an actual war ?
  10. Pakistan is a country created by Britain. The war in Afghanistan and much of the strife in that part of the world is our fault. We are paying the price for mistakes made several generations ago.
  11. You'd think so but given its on EVERY Ducati site worldwide, its bigger than a local town scuffle
  12. Most religions bang on about the sanctity of life and how 'only God can stand in judgment' and yet their followers are more than happy to convict and then murder people who disagree or 'disrespect' (?!?) them.

    All religions are capable of inspiring this twisted, corruption of the mind, it's just that Islam is the one that currently demonstrates it most widely. Since the oil boom of the early 70s, Saudi Arabia has devoted a substantial portion of its huge income to funding radical islamist 'schools' all over the Muslim world and has effectively hijacked the Islamic faith to promote the most extreme, intolerant version of it which the ruling Saudi families personally support.

    They seem quite happy to spread misery and war and terrorism as it gives them huge power and influence (behind the scenes, not at the UN where they could be called to account) and as long they keep a tight control of their home population they can continue to spend their oil-money in Knightsbridge and Montecarlo whilst f*cking up everyone else...

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  13. Islam today is akin to the Inquisition of yesteryear Catholicism. No one expected it.
  14. More gang rapes reported in Northern india yesterday, a punishment handed down by the village elders. The crime for such punishment? Don't know about this one but its normally for adultery or just seeing a man outside the village. Oh and of course there are all the honour killings they pass as punishment as they act like their God himself
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  15. Crazy Pakis!
  16. I have several Indian friends, one is a ducati owner too who i ride with. Others include an elderly couple who we look after their house when they winter in Mumbai. All of them, without exception, hate Pakistan with passion. I mean really detest. Frighteningly so.

    Pakistan is hardly a great advert for Islam. War with Islam at some point in the future is inevitable. I often wonder why we wait until they gain nuclears before the west just twats them. Should just get on with it whilst they are still weak. That is my logical head thinking. The cold strategic one. Fortunately thats not the one that makes decisions or forms my opinions for me otherwise i'd have been banged up years ago.
  17. Our towns summer carnival has just had its date changed after being on the same weekend for decades as its clashing with Ramadan. I cannot help but think what my great grandparents would have thought! Yes, we are a Labour run borough.
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  18. Wipe them out before they get too strong...bring back the crusades :upyeah:
  19. Pakistan is already a nuclear state, as is India.

    I once worked with a Sikh bloke. A lovely man who used to regularly say "I fucking hate Paki's" It was the strangest thing to witness.

    I have to say that I have ne beef with any particular demographic, except Pakistanis. I find then unpleasant in the extreme. Very self centered and disrespectful of women, how many times I see on the news about a ring of men raping women and I immediately think "Pakistanis", I'm almost always right. (don't get me started in the honour killing thing). Young Pakistani men seem to be the worst, either wannabe gangsters, benefit cheats or tax evaders. I made a decision a few years ago not to shop in any Pakistani owned shops too.

    Call me racist if you like, it's a free country (unlike Pakistan) and I can feel how I want.
    #20 Robarano, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
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