That Sikh bloke is probably my mate who I ride with. Its weird hearing that from him too. I love Sikh's. Without them I would have starved in my final yr at Uni. I used to visit their temple at lunchtimes and get a free vegetable curry. Lovely, lovely people.
Do you think we could use that Kickstarter fund thing to get the war started? I can't afford to wage war on my own. I'd need a loan to buy a couple of carriers and a jeep.
Fuck em all! Don't give a toss about religion, don't give a fuck about 3rd world countries. Give my charity money to this country, the military, and heart and cancer charities. Backward terrorist cnuts. Don't deserve the steam off my piss!
I hope the irony of that statement isn't lost on you Dave, given their total intolerance of any other culture or religion.
There is a concept in sociology of folk demons. This is the idea that the media will take hold of some perceived social threat and make a huge deal out of it, creating a fear amongst the populace completely out of proportion to the actual threat. They have created a folk demon. The Romanian 'invasion' being a recent example. This has also happened to people of the Islamic faith. How many Muslims do you know? I'd wager a few, even if you don't realise. And how many Muslims have tried to blow you up, behead you, force you to wear a hijab? None. That's how many. There are more nutters that want to kill you because they're just mental than that want to harm you for your religious beliefs or lack of. There are more political problems in these Islamic states than religious ones, no matter how they are dressed up. I agree that there is some religious conflict, but one the whole there is political conflict in the name of religion. It's also far away and doesn't directly affect you. People are just people all over the world, no matter what colour, religion, ethnic group or any other difference they might have. And the majority of the people just want to live a cosy little life with enough food and healthy kids. Racism, intolerance and bigotry should have no place in the modern world, especially from people who have had access to education and who should know better than to believe every thing they read in the newspaper. The sun and the daily mail have got a lot to answer for.
"Political conflict in the name of religion" does not exonerate religion as a causal factor. Whatever the cause, unfortunately, the majority of people do not collectively face up to the small number of bullies (criminals, terrorists, bigots, call them what you will) and put them down. The majority care, the bullies don't, that is why they are so difficult to deal with unless you drag yourself down to their level. That is why we have a justice system, which in my opinion works most of the time, but is as prone to error and misjudgement as any other walk of life.
I agree with you on the demonisation thing: all societies, even 'advanced' democratic ones will use that tactic to shore up internal support and 'unity' (always a dangerous phrase!). However I don't think you can divorce religion from politics, and in my view the poison in the process comes largely from religion, not politics. The very concept of religious belief is absolutist and divisive, whereas any political process requires compromise and an element of empathy or at least acknowledgement of your opponent's position. Politics is the mechanism by which different communities and interest-groups negotiate, not always successfully, but I suspect that religion has very rarely - if ever - assisted this process: more often than not it is incredibly disruptive. If only we could just drop that whole pile of shite...
I think ultimately it is about power and the exercising of power; people use the tools at their disposal. Isn't it said that the movers and shakers at the top have more in common with psychos than the average guy on the street ?
bollox! Think they could have sorted their backward country out since we left?... A country of cunts! Fuck them. Hope they all rot... I am however a big fan of India. Been there several times and the people are great! Shame they have a shithole on their doorstep!
It's not balls at all, read up on the great game and the Durand line and you'll quickly see why things are the way they are now. We split a nation and a people in two with an arbitrary line to create Pakistan.1
Well, once i have built my hegemony things will be sorted out. I just need to find an inert volcano. Ive got the cat and everything else.
would that be the same india that kills infant girls because they wanted boys, gang rapes women because they have no standing and 'deserve it' and have a class structure so archaic it makes the british one loom positively 2021? Yep lovely people, all of em
When you say politics, you seem to be referring to democratic politics. Many of the world's nations have not managed to get that far, and there the political process is about the group in power enforcing its choices on the rest of the population by suppressing any opposition. In authoritarian regimes, the leadership's priorities are about securing their position against internal and external threats, controlling all resources, and making their supporters fully complicit in their crimes. Any kind of democratic structure can only achieve stability both if the government in office refrains from using state power to suppress the opposition and if the opposition refrains from using violent means to overthrow the government. Both of those preconditions are very difficult to achieve in a society with a legacy of violence, ignorance and bigotry.
Are you referring to the history of partition in 1947? If so, may I mention that the British rulers of India had no desire or intention to partition the Indian Empire - they envisaged a single country including what are now India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The partitions were forced upon the Viceroy, who was left with no choice, at short notice mainly by Jinnah. It is not very fair to blame the fact of partition on Earl Mountbatten.
Yes, there are nasty individuals in India who sometimes commit terrible crimes; so there are in every country in the world including the UK. The topic under discussion was the structure and considerable achievements of the Republic of India as a whole, in comparison with the chaotic failed state that is Pakistan. Comments about particular recent crimes don't add much value.