Some of the older contingent may have seen Jake on TV in the 1970's. I just love his stuff. And he was a Yorkshireman to boot Jake Thackray - Sister Josephine - YouTube There is a good documentary on Youtube as well. Worth watching
My first girlfriends brother was into folk music, and played a lot of Thackray in the mid 1970's. I recall Bantam Cock, because it was funny, but also because Jake had a very unique and engaging manner.
"... The bantam cock lay dead ; and the vultures circled overhead. Oh what a prince, what a noble beast, what a way to live and to die. I was digging a hole to save his bones from the hungry buzzards in the sky - when the bantam opened up a sly little eye. He gave me a wink, and a terrible grin, the way that rapists do. He said 'you see those big daft buggers up there? They'll be down in a minute or two...' " Legendary !
Unfortunately I can't find a video of Jake performing, here's an audio version. The Bantam Cock - Jake Thackray - YouTube It is superb.
Saw Jake a couple of times at Bridlington Spa, just him and a bass player, so very funny. I also think he did a tv show with US singer songwriter John D Loudermilk just the 2 of them in a room with a crate of brown ale talking and singing was brill.