Ducatisti forum

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Never heard of the old site....when that was running (07 from what I can see) I (at that time) thought I was done with bikes, married 2 kids (another on the way) and was resisting pressure from the wife to get another one. Was happy at the time riding my knackered old pushbike to work. I think I held out for a year or so from recollection.
  2. There was a bloke on the old site called 'ghost' He was the font of all knowledge when it came to technical stuff. Dunno if he's on here now but he was a handy source for techy stuff.... Ghost, where for art thou??
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  3. Erm yes :)

    Phil is around but he does not post here, no idea if he posts somewhere else.
    Some still keep in touch, some are at Her Majesty's Cost right now .....
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  4. Sorry posted to wrong thread :)
    #24 Lucazade, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  5. I was a member of ducatisti site. It was dull. Its not as 'chatty' as this site. This one is much better.

    I had someone c*nt me off for mentioning I had 114hp on my 916. I did have the dyne chart at the time (now lost). I merely reported what the chart said. Whether the dyno was accurate or not the guy was a nob. 916 has had a full monty and has a full 50 and PCIII. Thats it. He (and his bum chums) was literally saying there was no way my bike could make that. But in condescending and patronising way. Now I am pretty thick skinned and can absorb an insult but after that I never returned. I don't mind banter and a debate. But the site then was dominated by arseholes. People here are much nicer with their opinions. Back then it was dominated by the laugh and point brigade to newbies.

    I don't care if the dyno was lying. It genuinely said 114.
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  6. Are you having a larf!!! 114 from a 916!!! :wink::upyeah:
  7. Hehe, I'm perfectly happy to accept the dyno being wrong. As long as its friendly piss taking! Or a polite readjustment.

    ( I do think its wrong though)
  8. the craic on here is superb. and well balanced. and the up shot is if i say anything offensive (unintentionally) you guys are hundreds of miles away so no prob. i used to post a we bit on dun some good guys on there and one or two know there stuff. but there where two many humor police and one or two people more concerned about spelling than content. it got a bit aggressive and with it being a smaller community there was a good chance i would bump in to the cocks some ware on a run so decided to bow out. still have a wee look every know and then but seems dead.
  9. This'll go the same way ,its the nature of the beast. :frown:

    But not on my watch jizzoms. :biggrin:
  10. What happened to the other site?
  11. Some say D was trying to sell it for X but as he did not get it he destroyed it

    Some say D was told by his wife to quit it

    Some say D did not purchase domain rights in time (forgot?) and someone else bought it from underneath him

    Heard many different stories but honestly never heard why he decided to close down and go missing.
  12. Nice to know I'm loved
  13. Thanks Luca. most interesting, although I was thinking more about why the behaviour / posts on the old site were considered to be getting out of hand by those on here.
  14. At the risk of being frog marched out and line up against a wall - the old site wasn't all that bad - as a Moderator on that site who apparently was shite - all I can say is Dan had a couple of simple rules - no advertising and no bad language and no politics / religion .

    As for the sites demise - we were as much in the dark as everyone else - we got told nothing.
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  15. Moi ?
  16. I had no problem with the old site. Definitely posted more and got more involved.

    I spent a good time in a layby with Dan while waiting for someone one day. I think it was purely that he couldn't cope with the amount of back room work. He was struggling then with the back log and that was before he was married and had a child.
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  17. Do you want to rephrase that Dave - that could be so badly misconstrued!!!!!!
  18. The layby bit :)

    It was next to a busy roundabout but can see what you mean !
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