Religion at its best

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Unless comparing all people of Pakistan and all people of india. Ie both cultures have a large majority who consider it acceptable to discriminate based on caste, religion and sex. Which makes it relevant, does it not
  2. When they partitioned India, they 'partitioned in' all the dumb ass's in Pakistan.
  3. Everything that needs to be said about religion is contained in 'Life of Brian'. Brilliant.
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  4. talking of partition read "Puckoon" by Spike Milligan
  5. Some say there is a fine line between genius and insanity. Spike was well and truly on both sides of the line.
  6. ...and they excuses the fact they are failed nations to this day does it?
  7. As far as i'm concerned, religion is a thing of the past used to control the masses. Now, in westernised countries, i'd like to think we have enough morals as human beings to know what's right and wrong and to treat people as they rightly deserve.
    Islam is a third world religion and has no place in a modern society. But it gives us all someone to hate so is bringing the rest of the world together which is no bad thing i guess.
  8. Exactly right, and the internet will kill all religion within 50 years. Probably less.
  9. Curry?
  10. Invented in Bradford...
  11. Sikhs are truly lovely people, they integrate well with communities, while adding diversity and keeping their identity. I've only met a few, but without exception they have all been wonderful people, and have always made the communities in which they live friendlier, richer and more interesting.
  12. god you've no idea, living in the west coast of Scotland we have to share a boarder with the east coast, strange feckers over there. :biggrin:
  13. I knew a bloke who lived on Skye and who was ostracised by the local community because he liked to sail his boat on a Sunday. He should, of course, have been reading the bible and going to church. It's closer to home than you think, religious wierdness.
  14. that is a true story by the way. religion can be totally mad.
  15. Thats al right, Salmond will be campaigning for independence of the Highlands from Scotland soon enough
  16. that's the thing isn't it. ever decreasing circles..
  17. The cartoon strip Jesus and Mo has been in the news a lot lately. It has been going regularly since 2005, but just in case anybody has not seen it (Is there anybody?) here is a link to this week's strip:
    Jesus and Mo
  18. I was told that Skye is also stitched up by the Masons :eek:
  19. "Is there anybody?"............Yes, there was me. Its very funny thanks for that Pete
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