Ducatisti forum

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. The only reason for that, Dave, is that there are more people in the lounge than there are in the tech sections, which would suggest that there are more people interested in talking bollox. Is there any way the new posts can be divided up into sections so that people can avoid the lounge if they want?
  2. So why do you come here if you don't like it?
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  3. maybe its just me but when i am out for a run when we stop off we will spend 5 mins discussing this corner or that rattle, then ultimately the conversation will go back to whose shagging who or the price of a pint. once upon a time i was that interested in bikes i could tell you chassis numbers, paint codes and gear ratios. then i got a life. i am much more into riding bikes these days than just talking about them. but saying that i spend 6 days a week fixing cars and bikes. so its a bit of a relief blethering to other bikers about other shit.
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  4. I've been on sites where they talk nothing but bikes, and they're as boring as can be. There's more to life.
  5. that's why i is here.
  6. I was a Ducatisti man.

    In general i enjoyed it although it had some issues.

    It did on occasion come across as a bit hostile to newbies. I had a few Pm me to ask about a post i may have made because they didn't want to post for fear of ridicule. (like where to put the tax disc):wink:

    Once i had ridiculed them by PM they soon posted instead and all was good, but then a bad planetery alignment did a brain suck on Dan and he accidentally hoovered himself up whilst on household duties and here we are.

    Simples really.
  7. Do you mean e.g. posting about economics on a forum full of professional economists, or posting about legal issues on a forum full of professional lawyers? Where's the fun in that? It would be like preaching to the choir. The interesting bit is discussing topics with people who may not know much about them - but mixed in with a few experts.
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  8. I agree. I must confess ive never really gone "off topic" on a forum before but this is a first for me (spent quite a lot of time in the lounge area) - you do get a feel for people's personalities if they do talk about stuff that isn't bike related....little bit of a refreshing change id say...
  9. I was on both forums.......ducatisti & here....I think the more tech threads for example will come here with time as ppl experiment etc. Have a look at Kope's thread or mygreenalien or shooters for eg. A lot there to look at and ingest. Some incredible stuff there.

    Some sound ppl here and there has only been one idiot who got a raise out of me but I didnt bite....there are plenty on all forums.

    The lounge area is off topic. Its only opinions. Not everyone is going to agree on everything. If something is a little bit too much for consumption, report the thread and get it removed.

    I dont have any issues with this forum. Its like any forum, you take what you want out of it and what you put into it.
  10. I do not think more threads will come. Loads of people that came from old forum to here already done and documented their mods, builds and crazy ideas. They are poast that using the bike and I for one would not re-do the same thing again for sake of it.

    That maybe be just me.

    I am currently rebuilding my m900 again and could just not be bothered to post full build thread again.
  11. or there aint that many that can talk tech……and i mean tech not just repeating what someone else has said as well as getting it wrong….
  12. Most likely true. But then Ducatisti couldn't have been any better, as a lot of the same people are here.
  13. Ducatisti was terrible for that. Mostly because posters behaved like they did know, rather than admit they didn't and point it out.

    Bit like the pub then :upyeah:
  14. A bit like big fish in a small pond syndrome . :wink:
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  15. This is the only ducati forum I have been on as it was the one I liked the look of when searching. As with most things there needs to be a balance but what that is I guess depends on your outlook on things. There where some threads I thought people have stepped out of line a bit (I think sinister gets more slagging off than he should, just because he likes gold frame plugs there is no need to continually bash him post after post). There was also a fair bit of arguing over my post on rear ride height!. Overall I think it is pretty good, the technical stuff just needs asking and the "old hands" shouldn't be quick to slate if it was asked some months ago as they may only have just joined. Obviously things can be read I. Different meaning to how it was written so things could get out of hand that way. I don't profess to know everything about ducatis but I've had bikes since I was four so if there is something I feel I can add to a thread I will have a go.
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  16. Sadly much of the content of Ducatisti has not been archived by Wayback.

    No, that isn't what I mean. Just stick "political discussion websites" into your favourite search engine and you'll find plenty of places where enthusiastic amateurs gather.
  17. Oh dear, it's the annual winter blues kicking in! I tend to find that technical threads drop off in the winter and people get cabin fever. Come the spring it'll get better ;-)
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  18. I think this site gets it right tbh - I lurk in the lounge mostly and find the tech stuff really helpful

    Has saved me recently with a clutch issue. Met some peeps from here on a rideout last year and whilst dont want to do that every week would like to to do that again at least once this year - it was good to put names and faces together and they were a good crowd

    Really has helped me plan my trips round uk this year - would have took pot luck but so much better to call on collective experience - it will make my year this year really!

    Some of the stuff on here really genuinely makes me chuckle - and that is priceless in my book.
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  19. if some body does not like a forum or thread why be on it slating it
    its a click away from it all
    if you want to go to the pub go to the pub if not dont

    but hey ho i like this virtual pub
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  20. can't knock the populace for trying to educate itself , using any available means.
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