Immediately followed by their husbands and extended families.......that's providing Assad who has stipulated he wants their names doesn't eradicate the menfolk when the women and children have left Syria.....
The one thing I find bizarre about all this, is that the Arab states are stinking rich, often have plenty of room. Wouldn't Syrians be better off there, where they can all be Muslim together, than coming to a place like Northern Europe? Why don't the Arab states pay in all the money for humanitarian aid? Why is it that other countries, who are often heavy borrowers and of a different culture always have to stump up for the mess and welcome in the refugees? The Muslims are always so keen to talk about their brotherhood (when in reality, the Shias and Sunnis are at each other's throats: cf Iraq and now Pakistan), yet when it actually comes to doing anything, they all start whistling and looking at their shoes.
Good point. I've never understood why this country gives so much in aid... A good cause, but what about charity at home?
Because they are all 'Jack barstards' they couldn't give a shit about their fellow countrymen, villagers or even Muslims that's why. Believe me I've done both military and humanitarian work in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo. If there's a chance of getting something for nothing, screwing over someone they don't like or making a quick buck they will. Its sad to see all the suffering that's for sure but that's the result of 'jumping on the Arab Spring' bandwagon before you work out where your better off.
The killer of the greatest number of muslims in the world, is and always has been, other muslims. Have no problem with helping genuine refugees though. Agree that other arab states could provide help. I did hear that Saudi had released a load of prisoners from their jails on the condition they went and fought in Syria. perhaps thats the help they have provided.
Almost all the refugees from Syria have escaped to adjoining countries like Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, none of which is "stinking rich". The numbers coming to the UK, Europe or the rest of the world are microscopic. People who make a fuss about even these tiny numbers make themselves look ridiculous.
Quite right and these are genuine refugees. Shame the wealthier Arab states don't do more to help , plenty of money in Saudi, UAE etc. In my experience though the Arabs only come together to attack Israel . The rest of the time they are quite happy see each other suffer or even inflict the suffering.
Quite so. My point (if it is my post you were looking at) is that the rich oil states seem to do nothing to help their Muslim brothers (and sisters) in distress. So few are meant to be coming to Europe that it all looks very token - it's not going to change anything at all on the ground. Why aren't the Gulf states doing more to help? There's got to be enough building work for them all...
Building work for fellow Arabs? Sorry but Arabs don't pay other Arabs to work they import their labour from not Arabic countries.
No child should live in a war zone, it's wrong on a human level. Just because someone was born on another piece of rock doesn't mean they should be condemned to die. Syrians should get preference over economic migrants coming from non eu peaceful countries (peaceful in so far as no active war)
Maybe we should have a civil war in the UK? Millions could flee overseas and I could get a car parking space and not take 30 mins to do a 5 min journey to work? Crime would come down, I could get an appointment with my doctor within 10 days and also probably not have to wait 8 months for an MRI scan.
For the UK they are talking in terms of less than a thousand. So you won't be noticing them. It'll free up a few tents, I suppose.
Probably the most (only?) sensible thing that Nigel Farage has ever said: BBC News - Nigel Farage calls for Syrian refugees to be allowed into UK Some figures (from the article above): Where Syrian refugees are: 838,000 in Lebanon 567,000 in Jordan 540,000 in Turkey 207,000 in Iraq 129,000 in Egypt 6.5 million others displaced inside Syria (Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees) "[the Government] said more than 1,100 Syrian nationals had been granted asylum in the year up to September, and asylum claims would be considered "on their merits and in line with the immigration rules"." When you look at the actual asylum application figures (these show applications, NOT grants which are around 36% of applications) you can see that Syria is only 4th in the table of applications for the year ending Sept 2013: When you compare these to the number of people getting work visas (ie, the "taking our jobs" brigade) these numbers pale into insignificance. This shows number of work visas granted for 2012 (latest figures for full year): This excludes all kinds of other entrants, such as visa renewals and EEU migrants. You can find more figures and actual facts, rather than made up Daily Fail froth, here: