Must be a sketch from the latest Lucas and Walliams 'just leave our children alone' BBC News - Sochi 2014: No gay people in city, says mayor
"We don't have a ban on non-traditional sexual relations," he said. "We have a ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and paedophilia." Coz they are the same, right?!
i remember a gay lad trying to chat me up one night in a bar in Aberdeen, trying to tell the boy its not my thing without being aggressive wasn't nice. it must be a nightmare for wumin oot on the town, unless off course i am the one doing the the chatting up. :wink:
Ah , aren't we forgetting something ? ..... this is Russia we are talking about , why does everyone seem surprized at the backward hypocritical , head up their arse-ness of the whole thing ?
Behind closed doors you say ? Good old Mail
oh come on just cos some people are gay doesn't mean they are any more disposed to fucking in the streets than straight people the ignorant association with pedophilia is just crass and deserves derision
Oh for heaven's sake! Accept it as a compliment, think yourself lucky that people find you attractive, and move on. Why would it be a nightmare? You can always just say no.
I've had a couple of great nights out in Heaven back in the 90's with a gay friend of mine. The whole atmosphere was a lot less threatening or intimidating than some straight clubs I've been in. I got chatted up loads, obviously, but no problems when I told them I was straight. I know how ladies feel now though as I got my arse groped so many times. Only club I've ever been in where the queue for the gents was longer than the ladies.
Did none of you see BBC Panorama last night.......i will be wating the olympics alright, to see it all go down the pan. They done a doc re how its all coing or not together. Only got to see half of it, we dont have access to iplayer here. Some crazy stuff going on. Worth a watch BBC One - Panorama, Putin's Games
My BiL is Gay, so my kids are the only ones in town with a Fairy Godfather :biggrin: . . . Hmmmm.."ones".......can you have more than one "one" ????
One of my mates at uni was gay, he loved to chat up straight men as in his words 'straight men are better in bed'...
Nothing that you will know off will happen, well the least not in a way it will be shown so you will never know truth. Russia always, was, is and will be like that. That is how they roll. They do not care about others that are not russian and/or do not fit in to picture of perfect russians. Sounds a lot like Hitlers world. Erm it is catch 101. If htey were straight they would not go to bed with him .....