Justin Bieber on Miami drink-drive charge after 'road racing'

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. I don't think he really cares. He doesn't ride it very much by all accounts. Just an attempt to look cool
  2. His "talent" aside, he is an arrogant twat too big for his boots who takes the piss out of his fans by turning up inexplicably late to concerts not on a single but multiple occasions. Not only that but there was no recourse for fans following his (effectively) no shows!

    Poor deluded "fans" should have boycotted the twat there and then!
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  3. Fans are too quick for forgive. I guess thats what makes them fans. I still liked Bill Shatner when he was being accused of drowning his wife. He was innocent and us fans knew it :smile:
  4. Teenage guy does something foolish: it often happens. Seems pretty clear and unambiguous what that means.
  5. He's just got an irritating smile that for some reason makes me want to knock his teeth out. I don't care if he was a nobody who lived at the end of the street, he's just one of them people you get the urge to beat with a stick. The fact he's a millionaire pop star and in your face all the time just makes it worse!.
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  6. The really bad bit about this is that he is keeping his fans up way past their bed time. He should know that at that age they require at least 8 hours sleep.

    Mind you, in the 70s I can't recall a single concert starting on time. Main acts were normally at least an hour late.
  7. I'll 'fess up and tell you that, before having a career change, I was a Sound Engineer and had the privilege to work with some of the biggest names in the business. 90% were great, down to earth, normal people who just happened to be very successful at what they did. In fact, they'd be successful at anything they turned their hand to.

    The other 10% were complete cheese balls. Total, utter and complete assholes. They were usually the ones with the least talent, the most insecurities and were a nightmare to work with.

    I've never met JB, nor would I want to. I'm sure he works hard at what he does and his behaviour might be a reaction to the stress he's under. However, no amount of money and fame should allow you to act like a cock and, sooner or later, he'll find that out the hard way !
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  8. Was he accused of drowning his wife ? Robert Wagner was accused of doing it to his Missus, Natalie Wood. Maybe it's a Hollywood thing !
  9. "I'll 'fess up and tell you that, before having a career change, I was a Sound Engineer and had the privilege to work with some of the biggest names in the business."

    I met Keith Chegwin once.
  10. I may be wrong but wasn't this bieber prick the one who was spitting from the balcony onto all the teen girls underneath?
  11. Yes, TW... That's the one...

  12. Ah roger….bit like ethan couch…i gets ya…...:rolleyes:
  13. Ethan couch??
  14. rtfi jerry……and keep up, your slower off the mark than a cyclist at a London traffic light….
  15. Hope the US revokes his Visa, Cut off his market at source, then it will be back to Youtube gigs!
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