am I being a difficult customer

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by thespionkop, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. book bike in over phone some 3 / 4 weeks before it gets picked up..doddle told it would be a week, sweet

    2 weeks later trouble finding rear shock to replace old one ok so when did the work start on bike? did it sit for 2 weeks with no hands on?

    drags on ( not in position to splash cash on new shock just wanted it refurbished)

    one month later its done will sort getting it back to me, vcan i have a price for work done? not yet but will get back to you, do they get back to me? NOPE

    every call is made by me the customer, never get return call when they say they will

    long last an idea of return date, return date comes no call to confirm anything really....

    now 2 months later still at workshops

    am I being unreasonable to say that is not good customer service???
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  2. Unreasonable???

    I'm afraid I'd be doing backflips by now.....:mad:
  3. I would go bananas:mad: Go and rattle their cage
  4. Depends on what was agreed when you booked it in/dropped it off
  5. :mad:
  6. bradders

    as mentioned.....take about a week ...was a full service and refurb rear shock but i get the impression that no work started for 2 weeks so why tai it in if you can't even get close to the time line
    or is it slipped behind more glamarous bikes cos it is old!!
  7. Name and shame the dealer/workshop!!
  8. not until its resolved then i can at least be fair and not 'send angry'
  9. Fair enough.

    If the details are as you've described, then it's taking the piss.
  10. Why are they looking to replace shock then? Seems odd, if not a little dodgy
  11. Is it at a main dealer or independent set up ?
  12. i needed the shock re furbished but turn out the internals are beggared it has seen 25k

    so that is not an issue it is really about the time line and lack of decent customer service
  13. Shim stacks dont wear, worst case is you'd need a new piston and shaft......of course it can be refurbed.
  14. I had my 848 serviced this year with neil from cornerspeed. He did a belt service, fitted a rear braided brake line, and fitted me a ohlins shock. He picked it up the day before, and the work was sorted the next day. Iwas without the bike for 1 day. Always good communication with him too.
  15. something broke on the shock, he did tell me but I can't remember the exact detail it was so long ago (bing clueless about the mechanics of these things doesn't help) DSCF5676.JPG ? Pic enclosed

    I won't name them at this stage as maybe it is a one off, used before and they were great, plus their reputation is generally regarded as superb.
    They have apologised and reduced the bill (although I still don't know what the bill is??)

  16. Whatever else they've done their communication is appalling. It's never good news when you ask for the bill & they play for time. :frown:
  17. ah well such is life eh
    lesson learned

    and I haven't walked up and talked because it is not a local dealer to me, long way away,
  18. The midlands aint that far...............:tongue: Ok it's a bit east of the midlands............. And I bet you wouldnt want to be sent there........................
    #18 Cranker V2, Jun 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2012
  19. It's like cluedo in here ;) lol
  20. @cranker

    It is bloody far in the weather we have been having of late, plus I organised it while in another continent and am still dealing with it sat in another continent,,,so it is wayyyyy too far for me buddy
    I used them because reputation, happy with previous service and I don't need to be there to get the bike to and from
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