Little Russia

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. you're only gay if you push back...
  2. Erm in your world maybe but in real world ....
  3. According to my brother, you're only gay if you look back...
  4. The difference between a straight guy and a gay guy is about 6 pints Stella or if you're a rugby player, a dare from your mate ;-)
  5. I invoke Godwin's Law:
    Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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  6. Does it really matter?

    Brighton was a shit hole (no pun intended) before the Gays moved in. There appears to be a disproportionate talent for the arts amongst Gays. But should they ever move to Birmingham, they've got their work cut out.

    Anyway. Fuck off Russia. Unless you have a fear of moustaches, Gays are nothing to be feared off.
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  7. Or not... :wink:
  8. what you saying. :wink:
  9. I'm not gay, but I fucked a lad who was......
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  10. Dukedesmo, finm remind me when I see you to not bend over..... I got not against but it's not up my alley way you two no no :)
  11. dirty boyz
  12. Do they have grindr in Russia ...... bet not !
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