Well I would like to think that my friends in Damascus could find safe refuge in the UK. If you could also put names, faces and family tragedy to the numbers, I'm sure you'd have a more welcoming perspective. BTW...I'm 100% English, but I lived and worked there just before the "Arab Spring" (came home about 4 years ago).
Quatar has accepted 42 Syrian refugees and Saudi Arabia is sending some cash. Glad to know they are on board. (Wikipedia)
I agree with this comment so much i bumped it! I will add: this country is broke, we cannot afford any other mouths to feed here, i am in agreement to sending aid but that can be controlled and monitored. i am fed up of paying taxes to benefit others whilst we still suffer, put the money in the NHS.
The numbers being discussed (coming from this WAR zone) are minuscule in the greater scheme of things. You also assume they will not bring any wealth with them. Would you have had the same viewpoint in 1939-45 towards persecuted/endangered Europeans (just for example...Dutch or Norwegian people, or Jews)? The UK economy was even more broken then (and getting broker). For the record, I don't advocate letting just anyone resettle in UK. I actually think freedom of settlement from other EU states is bonkers. But that's un-regulated economic migration. I happen to believe that Refugees from a war zone are completely different and should be treated as such. BTW....Our NHS doesn't need any more money. It just needs to spend the huge budget it already has more wisely. But that's a completely different topic.
This is simply bullshit. This country is not broke, far from it. When the electricity stops coming out of the sockets, when the gas stops coming out of the pipes, when the water stops coming out of the taps, when the police stop working the beat, when the doctors and nurses stop going to work, when the firemen stop putting out fires, when the binmen stop emptying the bins, and so on, then you can complain that this country is broke. Have you seen the devastation that these people are coming from? Have a fucking heart.
Those figures are very interesting and odd. Why all the Nigerians? And I didn't think that Saudis ever did any work, either at home or abroad so what are they intending to do really? Shop?
I have a heart, and I do not like to be addressed with foul language, if you do not like what I say that is your problem just moderate the tone, thanks.
I don't know that I have liberal views. I have fair views. Now you could argue that homogenising the world so as to give everyone a chance no matter where they were born is a good thing, and I can understand that viewpoint. But I still think that people need roots and culture (mon!) and homogenising your culture until all that is left is work and global consumerism is a bad thing. Call me racist (culturalist, more like) but Nigerians and Saudis wouldn't be top of my list to have as neighbours, really - although like all things, I bet there are some great exceptions. I was once taken from Kennington to Gatwick at sparrow's fart in a mini-cab. The black driver (nice bloke) spent the journey berating his fellow Jamaicans for not doing any work and noting that Pakistanis all seemed to work like mad in the corner shops they had opened. It was quite hard to disagree with him even if I am a big reggae music fan.
This is (another) middle east problem that the middle east should be taking care of yet prefer to allow the crusaders to deal with. A thousand refugees here and a thousand there is not the answer and will never solve the problem. Today Syria, tomorrow Jordan? Not our fight, stay out of it.
Bloody hell, where do you live? I got an mri scan on my knee the day after seeing the consultant. That was nhs, too