The people of London putting their City to shame - Audi driver vs Cyslist

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. angry place the city.
    driving to work one morning in Aberdeen i seen 3 separate punch ups in 3 miles. screw that.
  2. I try not to let little things like that bother me, my wife doesn't understand it when people cut in front of me and I let it slide. There's more important things to worry about in the world! Both knobs, and to be fair to the Audi driver, we didn't see why he pushed the cyclist away from him. It's not like he laid into him.
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  3. 'The world' ( i my humble opinion - only speaking for myself) is getting angrier, every day. I am no saint, by any means, but as i have got older, have got more reflective on whats important to me, and what i can influence, and what to let go.

    Both knobs, in some way and both in 'the wrong', in terms of action vs desired outcome, i would think. Doubt either will have had a great day at work subsequently.

    There are (many) other more important things to spend energy on than the way those two spent theirs.
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  4. IMO, both to blame....

    ....the cyclist's behaviour is one of the reasons why motorists criticise them; and what else would you expect from an Audi driver or passenger? They are bad enough without being wound up by a cyclist.

    Cyclist could have ignored the Audi, but he chose to chase after it; Audi driver may not have been the usual arrogant type and simply made an I'm not surprised the cyclist got smacked.
  5. I'm a keen cyclist but I have to say the cyclist here is a grade one tit. If you're gonna call a complete stranger a 'fucking prick' don't be surprised if they twat you one. End of.
    He asked for that and was lucky he wasn't knifed.
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  6. Do you work nights down Union Street?
  7. not anymore. not after you refused to pay, you where more aberdonian than the locals, :tongue:
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  8. Audi driver was a c*nt. Last asshole that tried to get out the car and hit me was nursing sore shins as i booted his door shut as he tried to step out. If youre going to assault someone beware. Some of us will hit first and fight back.

    Cyclist was wrong too but he is vulnerable and thus the car driver gets all the blame.
  9. If they'd got in my way I'd have twatted the pair of them:mad:
  10. why do the cyclists insist on stopping in front of the car at the box though….the car is always going to beat them away from the lights………instigated by the cyclists……tried to be agitated by the cyclists…….he got his comeuppance and then scuttled off on his bike….that told him...

    now wheres our resident city mr angry cyclist for the over view on this...:upyeah:
  11. They all claim to be non-aggressive law-abiders when pushed...

  12. So why does the box extend across the whole lane ?
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  13. yes i know, but they are only going to get in the way of the car………give a little take a little……i bet it was designed by a cyclist:redface:
  14. I guess the main advantage to the cyclist is that they don't end up with someone immediately to their right who then turns left into them.

    Looks like neither of them were prepared to give or take anything :rolleyes:
  15. "Vorsprung Durch Technic". German for "driven by knobs"
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  16. the guy just wanted to get on with his day same as the cyclists………….i am amazed they stopped at the lights any way…………….:rolleyes:
  17. But the Audi driver broke the rules by entering the box (and reducing the safety margin from trafic from the other direction), are you saying that rules are optional :wink:
  18. the cyclists undertook the car………..
  19. The cyclist who remonstrated withe the Audi driver did, but the others didn't, and the Audi driver still entered the cycles only box before the lghts turned green.
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