The people of London putting their City to shame - Audi driver vs Cyslist

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Its a turn left thing isnt it? See this all the time, esp commuting times, they cover 3/4 of the road and wonder why they get knocked off.
  2. Yes, I think it is a left turn thing, without the box, that cyclists can filter into (it isn't undertaking) they are very vulnerable to cars turning left. The cost is to delay cars by a few seconds, a price that car drivers seem reluctant to pay.
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  3. At each and every junction...

    My journey into London can increase by up to 50% in the summer just because of the increase in cyclists. They are a problem, not the solution.
  4. why don't they wait behind the car then or more importantly in front of the second car, or as a good bike rider, opposite space! you should never put yourself on offer especially down a blind alley where the vehicle driver may not have sight of you...
  5. next you'll be asking me to sympathise with these twats that ride side by side on a fast country road……….
  6. Can we refer to him as the white car driver
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  7. Is that why cyclist numbers are increasing ?

  8. maybe its like the annual event for seals…...
  9. There will always be a car behind them, why should the first car get away in preference to the second car ? Without the box they will always be vulnerable.
  10. because everyone doesn't pull away at the same time there is a delay with the vehicles further down the chain which gives the bikes the opportunity to get going….
  11. No. I avoid fast country roads but even on slow country roads it is surprising how many car drivers will cross even double whites to overtake a single cyclist on blind bends. They really haven't got a clue.
  12. It makes zero difference to the car directly behind.

  13. its only the one line you are crossing……..:wink:
  14. Unless its totally blind, which is unusual at cycling speeds, whats wrong with that? White lines can be straddled overtaking slower vehciles, like cyclists or a milk float
  15. [h=2]129[/h]Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less.
    Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 26
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  16. It situation I described the road is not clear and I am over 10 mph.
  17. What is the difference between blind and totally blind ? There is a line of sight or there isn't. If a vehicle comes from the other direction at speed the overtaking driver swerves left and guess who gets it ?
  18. where the consideration for the other road users from the cyclist mincing along at a sedate rate ……...:upyeah:
  19. Line of sight on a cycle in the gutter is very different to a car just inside or over the line
  20. I wear lycra, and I don't mince :wink:
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