144 mph on the A19

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. All they have to declare to insurance is code, points and fine.
  2. boy racer types…….:rolleyes:
  3. what would you be saying to your self on your first night inside? (other than please don't put it in there)
  4. suspended jail term
  5. i know. but lets say you got banged up for speeding what would you be telling your self on your first night in.
  6. "banged up".

    heh heh!
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  7. 'Dirty speed camera b'stard! Why aren't they out catching burglars and stopping little old ladies getting mugged?!'
  8. The guy in the speed van must have been wetting himself with excitement when these two morons went past in a cloud of vapour..
  9. there is a local case over here ...driver visiting relative In old peoples home didn't engage hand brake correctly, while in building the vehicle rolled and ended up over the road killing a child in pram. anyhow the driver has pleaded guilty to whatever the charge is and has lost their licence , the judge has granted bail pre sentence and the driver is possibly looking at time.
    regardless of the outcome all he did was fail to engage his handbreak?????
  10. And if pleaded guilty to take his medicine, likely nothing they can do will be worse than what he'll have to live with for ever
  11. [h=1]Toddler crushed by runaway car in Dundonald after driver failed to fully engage handbrake, jury hears[/h][h=2]Defendant Darren Conway admits causing the death of Rham Gavriel Alvarez (2) by careless driving[/h] Comments

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    Flowers left at the scene on the Comber Road after two-year-old Rham Gavriel Alvarez was killed by a runaway car in Dundonald in 2012. Pic Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker

    By Paul Higgins – 23 January 2014
    [h=2]A two-year-old toddler was crushed to death because a driver did not fully engage his handbrake, a jury heard.[/h][h=3]Related Articles[/h][h=4]Community's anguish as little boy crushed by runaway car loses fight for life

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    Darren Conway's trial had began at Downpatrick Crown Court, but after the prosecution opening, defence lawyer Chris Holmes asked for the charge to be put to him again and the 32-year-old admitted causing the death of two-year-old Rham Gavriel Alvarez by careless driving.
    Judge Piers Grant told shop fitter Conway his change of heart was a "wise course of action" and that he was sure "the next-of-kin will take great comfort in the plea".
    The trial had opened earlier with prosecuting lawyer Sam Magee urging the jury that despite the case surrounding the tragic death of little Rham and the emotions that would evoke, "you must not let sympathy or prejudice cloud your judgement".
    The barrister recounted how Rham's mother Imelda was pushing his buggy along the Comber Road in Dundonald on a "blustery" afternoon at the end of December 2012, when Conway's Volkswagen Golf "careered" into them, wedging the pram and her between the rear bumper and a fence. The car had silently rolled backwards from the Limetree Residential Home and across the busy road and into the buggy, causing injuries to the little boy which would tragically prove fatal.
    Mr Magee said it was the Crown case that by failing to fully engage the handbrake, Conway, from Rutherglen Gardens in Bangor, had made an "obviously careless mistake," which had devastating consequences.
    Conway, he said, had been at the nursing home visiting his grandfather when he parked his car, smoked a cigarette and then went inside, and knew nothing of what happened until he "heard a commotion" outside.
    At the scene, he told witnesses and police that he "must've forgot to put the handbrake on," but Mr Magee told the court forensic engineer Emmerson Calendar had examined his car and found that of the possible 13 "notches" of tension, Conway had raised the handbrake just two of them.
    Mr Calendar, the jury heard, took the VW Golf back to the scene and parked it where Conway had "on a slight incline," reporting later that having ratcheted the handbrake up two notches, only a little force, even a "strong gust of wind would have been sufficient" to start the car rolling backwards.
    Once it did that on December 29, the car rolled down the drive and "gathered momentum" before ploughing into Rham's buggy.
    His mother told police that as she walked along the road, "all of a sudden and without warning a white car appeared, it came out of nowhere" and pushed both her and the pram against a fence.
    "She quickly freed herself and grabbed Rham from his buggy," said Mr Magee, sadly adding it was "immediately obvious that he was seriously injured".
    An off-duty doctor and a fireman tended to the little boy at the scene until paramedics arrived and rushed him to the nearby Ulster Hospital, but despite the medics best efforts, "he tragically died the next day".
    Arrested and interviewed, Conway said it would have been an "automatic reaction" to put the handbrake on and that he could not understand why the car had moved.
    Following his guilty plea yesterday Judge Grant disqualified Conway from driving and adjourned passing sentence until both a pre- sentence report and victim impact statement from Rham's mother have been compiled, releasing Conway on bail until next month.
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    by Taboolaby Taboola
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  12. maybe but does this mean anyone found not to engage their hand brake should loose their books etc?
  13. you would be surprised how many customers confess to not using there handbrake when there cars in the work shop.
    tragic story.
  14. Reversing out of your own garage and running over your own child is not unheard of. In fact I vaguely knew someone who did just that. How awful would that be ?
  15. Maybe children shouldn't be in prams. Put em in blenders or something sturdy.
  16. Bad taste camelfarmer :rolleyes:
  17. Take them out of their nappies first...
  18. In the op's case, I'd be more concerned about how close the two cars were driving to each other.
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  19. When i was younger and very stupid i got involved with a group of similar 'car nuts' who used to meet up late at night to race each other, we all had very powerful tuned japanese cars (Supras, Skylines, RX7s etc) and used to think that we were in the fast and the furious :rolleyes:

    144 would have been a bit slow to us on a stretch of road like that but then we were out in the middle of the night with nobody around not in the day like those 2. We all understood that if we were caught then it would mean jail time and if it all went wrong then it was game over but the rush i got from getting the Supra off the clock was addictive!

    looking back at it now i can't believe how stupid it was to be doing that and we all seemed to drift away after one of our group was killed in an accident (not when racing, while he was driving to work). However i do not believe for one second that anyone on here has not 'wound it on' every now and again...
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