The people of London putting their City to shame - Audi driver vs Cyslist

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Were you there ?

  2. oooh, the ones with the racing team decals on…….
  3. Nope, totally plain, specialist clothing makes life more comfortable.

    Do you wear size 12's ?
  4. nah……….but they are free…..
  5. For you, not so for us..
  6. When I cycled in London, the box at the traffic lights was there to be populated. Plenty of cars used to slow me up - because they always get stuck behind another car - that's what a traffic jam is folks, and that is what London is full of. Cycling was faster.

    No way would I be queuing up in the gutter behind a load of other cyclists in order to let Mr. Flash Audi Driver have a clear road. He wouldn't be doing me any favours either. He'll only stop at the next lights, or behind the van turning right ahead of him.

    But I didn't get steamed up about other cars' antics either. London is an aggressive place on the road - no one does you any favours, whether they are pedestrians, cyclists, taxi drivers, motorists etc. So you keep zen - unless you are a stroppy twat and they can be found in/on any sort of transport.
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  7. ...Which is stuck behind another cyclist.
  8. You sound a very scary man, Mr Bootsam. Probably
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  9. i think we should just call him the assailant as although he appears to be of White Caucasian descendency he may wish to have been non reflective or even of an opposite gender, so grouping him by the car he uses may not reflect his or her preferred colour/sex.
    or we could simply call him a bit of a cock.
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  10. Let me get this straight: we can solve all urban congestion problems by banning cyclists.

    Why not just come out and say it instead of pussy-footing around?
  11. I'm not. But I will defend myself. :biggrin: When a bloke pulls up alongside you and rants aggressively at you for something you have no idea about, then proceeds to get out the car, instincts kick in. I booted his door onto his shin. Hard. Then cleared off. I was riding a KTM300. I may have accidentally cut him up but had he been more diplomatic I would have been horrified and apologised profusely. However he chose the dark side. I wont wait to be hit, I will strike first. I know when someone is about to get violent. Many years being a Mod in S.London has given me a 6th sense.

    For the record I will never incite violence. But I will react to it.

    I'm a gentle person by nature but I will not be trodden upon or bullied. Neither will I sit idly by when it happens to others. I detest and loathe bullies. Just be nice people.
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  12. The saddest thing about this thread is that those (that I've met) bashing the cyclists on this thread are all fat fukkers. Sad, but true.

    On reflection, that's a little harsh, but factually accurate. I'm trying to apologise, honest!
    #52 JerryXt, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
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  13. Both as bad as each other. Can understand the drivers frustration, given by the time they have cleared knowing London lights its probably back on amber! But the box is there to be used. Another example of poor London planning putting motorist and cyclist at odds. Just like those stupid blue lane things.

    saw another one on FB with a biker the other day. Exactly the same scenario, they all stream to the front and pile across the road, biker gets proper pissed and shoves a couple out of the way to get past before the lights change
  14. Oh dear, did the poor likle biker have to wait another 3 or 4 seconds.

    We should have even more blue lanes and give them more time and space. They have as much right as everyone else on the road. In fact they are more vulnerable than most, so should be given even more consideration.

    I'm pro cyclist. I dont cycle.
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  15. I cycle. A lot. For training puposes only. I never comute on a bike cos I work offshore quite a lot so I'd get very wet and cold, not good.

    I'm acutely aware that cyclists can be a bit of a pain so I stick to lanes and B roads as much as possible. Even so I still encounter a lot of hatred for cyclists whilst cycling down the lanes, loads of verbal and even stuff chucked at you from passing cars/vans. Women are are fucking dangerous cos they hate changing their line and come far too close and every time I've been brushed or clipped with wing mirror its always been a bint. I don't think they meant it, its just their space awareness is crap.

    But hey, cyclists in town are here to stay and lets be honest, negotiating the odd cyclist in town aint that stressful.
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  16. There is a real sentiment on this thread and on others, that cyclists are in some way "worth less" than car drivers or motorcyclists.
    They don't have to be anywhere on time, and are just cycling around to annoy other road users.

    No one has yet said in a moaning voice "But they don't pay road tax! Why should they use the road?".
    But they will.

    A cyclist is just a normal person on a cycle, a person who is probably quite often in a car, or even on a bike.
  17. As far as I can see Mr car driver is a self important twat who is clearly sooo very important that god forbid you hold him up for 2 secs. That's 2 secs less important time his has to do his important work in his important office Grrrrrr.

    My route to work takes in a lovely country road which is also used a lot by learner drivers. Needless to say it can be frustrating at times as there is not one safe over taking place. How ever as im on my way to work do I really give a crap if I am 2 minutes late. 2 minutes less in work as far as I can see. So deep breath and enjoy the scenery

    I'm the same with the OAP drivers as I just think we'll that could be my Mum in her Micra at 20 MPH. Nothings than important to get irate about whilst behind the wheel.

    Back to my country lane, at the weekend in the summer its a popular route for cycle clubs. Now I under stand they need space and I can live with two a breast. But when they think they are doing the TDF and ride in a peloton literally taking up the whole lane causing traffic to completely use the other lane, that's just down right rude.

    Just for the record I do cycle. But I do the manly off road stuff with mud and jumps and rocks.
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  18. I have a push Iron but I will not use it on the busy roads, its not worth risking my life for. As for the incident, Eddie Hitler should have smashed the fat pillock in the gob.
  19. Both cocks, but please don't tar all audi drivers with the same brush or i will have to climb out on the passengers side and twat you:biggrin:
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  20. The cyclist should have kicked him in the nuts with his special shoes.
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