Religion at its best

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. dude there every where, cant trust em. easy to spot tho they have only got one all seeing eye.
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  2. Skye eh, I went in the supermarket there and they were all chatting away in English. When I spoke they all started speaking some strange language. Do they not realise I, as an Englishman, am their Lord?
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  3. they can do that. i used to work in a garage in fort bill, the owner was a garlic speaker from scallpy, horrible man only ever spoke English when speaking to me and only to slag off his customers. only there 6 days before i started to look for another job. when ever i hear that accent it pisses me right aff.
  4. The West of Scotland accent really grates on my ear. There's a TV presenter named Neil Oliver whom I really cannot stand, just because of his intolerable accent - and despite his great hair.
  5. I think I like all Scottish accents. At worst, they are picturesque, possibly even picaresque.
  6. i like most just that arse from scallpy. if ever there was an accent you couldn't trust.
  7. and then gargles to the benny hill theme tune before swallowing
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  8. Did he ever get any better?
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