I'm with the cyclist. He probably could have just ignored the Audi driver's selfish use of road space, but if we all did that it'd just encourage them to do that kind of thing even more....they need telling by someone. But a calmer response would have been better.
It's road fund licence, not road tax...........:wink: And I don't give a toss about whether cyclists pay it or not, but I thin they should all be subject to some for of licencing and have violations of road traffic offences reflected upon their licence the same as other road users.
How do you intend to police that? Furthermore are you implying that children have licences to ride a bike? All the kids would be on a cycling ban within days. The whole point of a cycle is anyone can do it. Arquey has become his avatar. :tongue: This is more to do with the attitude of other road users who seem to think they own the fucking road. Well they dont. I do. Every cycle on the road is one less car on the road. (ish) The real issue here is PATIENCE! No fucker has any anymore. Hurry hurry hurry, rush rush rush. Slow the fuck down man, give em time, relax, chill. Its only a journey.
The Audi actually stops in the right place (just) at the first junction. He's obviously upset about the cyclist filtering past then cutting in front (as he's allowed to do) as its going to hinder his progress away from the lights into the nice clear road that was there a couple of seconds before. Should he have reacted? No. Should the cyclist have moved (filtered) into that space? He's allowed to yes, but it would have been more sensible surely to stay in the queue of 3 bikes already by the kerb? That way you're not getting in anyone's way and all's well with the world. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. As for the rest of what occurred, all very silly......good hook though if nothing else.
They do. You can get points for cycling offences on your driving licence. If you don't have one, when you apply for a provisional, your points are added and are effective from the date the licence starts. Re the point about the cyclists keeping to the left of the vehicle and not moving into the box: that's the point of the box - to put cyclists in a very visible position. All but one of the accidents before Christmas were cyclists going/staying on the left of vehicles (in their blind spot), which then turned left. A buddy of mine is in the traffic division of the Met and confirmed my supposition that the majority of those accidents were down to the cyclist doing something stupid and the driver not seeing them. In two cases, the cyclist did something incredibly stupid, which rendered one a candidate for a Darwin award and the other almost. I have to say tho, whenever I move to the front of the queue, on my pedal bike, or a moto, I always thank the lead vehicle. I find that people are much less likely to try to kill you if you've been polite :biggrin:
Whatever...........Yes you are correct..........My knee is hurting like hell and I wasn't concentrating.
But to 'arse' about is what being a kid is all about. You never see kids out playing the streets these days because people are in too much of a hurry. No-one plays kerby etc. Its a shame.
Having ridden into London for years this is not that surprising to me, however it usually just ends up in a shouting match. Many cyclists will deliberately manoeuvre in front of you at the lights in this manner. Last year I was filtering and had to stop as a car was next to the traffic island, (I don't like to go the wrong side of these as it's a finable offence). A cyclist, who I guess wasn't looking, plowed into the back of my Multistrada. His only reaction was a shrug of the shoulders and he could give a fuck about the mark he had made on the bike and cycled off by going the wrong side of the island whilst I was stuck. I just wonder how different the reaction would have been if I'd run into the back of him! PS if you drive into the cycle box whilst the lights are red it £60 and 3 points if the police catch you doing it. This just makes for longer commutes for motorcyclists now...
Whoa! I didn't say that. I said we'd be going a lot faster if it wasn't for bloody cyclists. Totally different...
Ban cyclists would work. Or ban road 'road 'laws' ie drive ride or walk where yiu like, everyone has to look out for everyone. Organised chaos.
Suggest you watch the video again paying particular attention to the position of the Audi, who moves forward after the cyclist filters past, and the colour of the lights.
To keep cyclists safe in the city, they really need different traffic lights for cyclists and all other traffic, just to give them a 10secs head start to get away. I believe they've started trailing this very idea on the Bow robot where four cyclists have died since November. I will say that there is a lot to be said for taking responsibility for your own self preservation. Ie don't plonk your slow bicycle in front of the boy racer revving his engine, nor going down the left of a big lorry. Just my opinion though