Yes, I saw that too, and he came across as the sort of common sense chap you'd want to see, everything he said made sense. But the people on site are clearly not cut from the same block - they are brainless morons, not capable of original thought. If companies actually listened to the head of the HSE we'd be working on safe but productive sites. But they won't, cos they're morons.
How very true. If all decisions were made by intelligent, sensible, knowledgeable, altruistic people, few rules and regulations would be needed. Unfortunately loads of decisions are made by moronic, half-baked, ignorant, selfish people, so they have to be given detailed and explicit instructions and they have to be obliged to comply with them. Maddening, isn't it?
My personal experience is that people are obliged to misinterpret and misunderstand detailed and explicit instructions. It's like some unwritten (albeit detailed and explicit) law.
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." J.E.E.D.Acton I think we are a few millennia away, from the Darwinian-evolved type altruistic person(s), that would be able to resist that temptation. Sadly. Nice idea though.