144 mph on the A19

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. glass houses, stones, throw.

    Oh how sanctimonious this forum can be. Your 20 year-old selves would be laughing themselves silly, or be horrified at what they were to become.
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  2. I love speed, and I drive/ride at it every chance I get! Even in works Hilux Ute, it may not be super fast, but it's a great feeling pushing around the twisties faster than it has a right to. I'm not as reckless as my younger self, and only put myself at risk nowadays, but in todays modern over regulated/policed world it is hard to get your thrills, so I take them where possible. I sometimes despair at how risk adverse most of the peeps on here seem to be, the UK used to be a daring nation, now you are the H&S capital of the globe, and worse still, you're exporting it all over the world.
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  3. But for the grace of 'some imagined deity', there goes I. Ive sped. Faster than that too. If the road was busy then they are bang to rights. If it was a sunny sunday morning at 6am with a clear and empty road then they have my sympathy.

    Ive done some outrageously silly things on Lambrettas on motorways. In large groups. Eek.
  4. We've (nearly) all done it, stupid risks for 10 mins of rush. 100 mph down Blackpool sea front, racing a mate, is probably the most stupid. More stupid than some speeds on A roads.

    NZDave has it right. Risk is a bad thing now, and we MUST all have a life of tedium, calmness and mediocre. Its the law...literally! The only way you can get adrenalin rush like that these days is join the traffic plod (license to speed recklessly ;-) ) or the Army and go shoot some Taliban. But even that has H&S in the way now...
  5. Middle age
    More to lose than to gain
    Fear of death (as it grows nearer)
    Somnambulant mindset after years of fitting-in to progress up the career ladder, worrying about own business, or trying to make ends meet. When you're younger, you are far more alive.

    Still, I had always thought that bikes slowed the mental ageing process.

    As for the UK - it has the worst bits of US anti-litigation risk adverseness, without any of the get up-and-go US risk-taking attitude. Sad.
  6. Had they been unemployed scrotes with no driving licence/insurance/tax/mot/evading police and driving on footpaths would they have only been given a £200 fine and six points? (see other post). For feks sake
  7. Not so. He failed to engage the hand brake and he also failed to engage a gear. When parking a car you should always always always both leave it in gear and leave the handbrake on. You might forget one of the two, but if the car rolls away you must have neglected to do both. And that is seriously careless.
  8. I've been caught by the fuzz faster than that, too...
  9. Does anyone know why the Police are called "The Fuzz" or "the rozzers" I could look it up but my Android would take of ever

  10. Or 'P'ark, for those with automatics.
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