So I was reading Mervyn's post and my interest was peaked by some of the comments about Mrs Mervyn's tolerance. That got me curious as to how many of the forum have a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/wife/husband who rides a motorbike of their own. I ride a 1200s Multi and a track focussed 748R and my girlfriend rides a Diavel both on the road and the track. Although we've known each other for 25 years or more we didn't start riding bikes together until just over 10 years ago when she rode either her injection R6 and 600 Hornet and I was on an ST4s. I remember the amusement at an NEC bike show probably 8 or 9 years ago when she sat on the then latest iteration of the Fireblade and I got on the back. So who else ride as a couple but on their own bike ? Andy
I used to be part of a couple back a couple years ago Had my SS he had an Ssie and multi My current partner is more into cars but does like the diavel the numpty had a liking for an R1 but I told him I would have to ride on my own ;-) When he decides to pull his finger out it will be monster plus1 Ducati
the wife did her cbt bought a gs125 for her crimbo 2 weeks later she got herself pregers, so bike had to go. hers not mine.:smile:
Never had a girlfriend with even the slightest interest in bikes. And the couple of women I know who are into bikes aren't the slightest bit interested in me. It can be a cruel world sometimes:frown:
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trying to get wife to take her cbt and get her own bike she wants to ride a bike herself as she enjoyed riding pillion but is rather nervous about it and keeps side stepping it i want her to get her own bike as not really keen on taking pillions............they spoil the fun lol
I met Mel when I had just bought a BSA Bantam to learn on. He now rides a BMW and a MV Agusta Brutale <happens to fit me nicely as well . He rides all my bikes but the BMW is way too tall for me. He is often told he is lucky but maybe it's me who is the Lucky one? How easy would it have been to have persuaded not to ride anymore by a non rider.
Nightmare idea, a girlfriend with a bike . Bloody hell you would never be able to escape, all my real fun toys have been bought or converted to only have one seat. OK I could maybe break the rules for little old Charlize Theron to come out for the odd Sunday blast.
We had the " we should do something together talk " New honda st1300 purchased. £900 in "proper biker chick gear" purchased . one wet and windy ride about 70 miles and st1300 left in garage for 2 years . Sold it at 2 years old with 200 miles on it most of which were pushing it in and out of my garage . chick biker gear in the loft behind a big pile of shoes . Cost me about 5k but at least I can bring it up now and again and she never wants to "do something together ", thank god , Talk anymore .
My other half's got a Yamaha Virago 535, in pristine condition (as, she hardly ever rides it, and I look after it ) - would love to get her something else, but, being a short-arse, it's one of the few bikes she can touch the ground on (Monster 620 still too tall !)