My brain works in some f-up way

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. So was sitting in a tube today, I think it was train but no matter, and my brain came up with a puzzling question. If you do decide to crash on a motorbike, which one is better to hit the deck and skid on your ass (back, belly you name it) or tuck and roll? Also while googling random stuff I found out that you get 45p a mile using private car for business, 24p a mile if you use your private motorcycle for business however if you use your bicycle for business it is 20p a mile? WTF Bicycle has almost no running costs (bar coke as fuel).
  2. F*ck that must have been a very long boring tube journey!
  3. Jesh Luca have you no music to listen too
    On the falling off question I didn't even think about tucking arms in rolling etc all I thought about was how much it was going to hurt.
  4. They are all long and booring, even the 5 min one's. Ducbird I am man I can multitask music and thinking and .... :D
  5. Hmmmm

    Ducbird will struggle with at least one of those!
  6. What's that multi task??? 
  7. No.....getting on a tube where you live!:tongue:
  8. Oh  slow there
  9. I was taking the p*ss really :eek:
  10. But it's true 
  11. Perhaps you should try reading a book rather than just listening to audio books? By the way the answer would be slide every time, tuck and roll just puts more breakable bones in the line of danger.
  12. no, you slide until the contact patch becomes too hot, then you roll.
  13. You just don't have time to think what to do in the situation it's easier said than done especially when you know your on a main road and you don't want to slide or roll into the path of something or get run over from who is behind you.
  14. when you're sliding from the top of Paddock Hill to the bottom, you've got plenty of time to think!
  15. 
  16. I was on the A27, I just slid, not that I had enough control over my body to do otherwise!
  17. Jerry we need pictures here as example!!
  18. He could draw a diagram? Tuck and roll like that nuclear cartoon or was that duck and roll.
    I slid but all I recall is a car coming towards me and thinking oh crap!

    I wasn't badly hurt luckily .
    you don't have time to think you just do whatever your sub conscious tells you I think
  19. Well done JerryXt, all the others who admit to coming off are girls, we accept that we are human and are relieved to have survived. Come on boys we all know it happens to the best of us.
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