HAHAHA... What another political piss take!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Just ban smoking. How could anyone advocate otherwise?
  2. I'm doing ok on the e-fags. Not smoked since and the car is a better place for it... Not got kids (anymore), so happy to go along with the ban...
  3. Smoking should be banned in cars esp. by the driver.

    Always throwing their packets, film, dog-ends, matches and ash out the window. Not to mention they more effort into getting a new pack open than staying in lane.

    Plus it stinks when behind them.
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  4. Does that mean that the kids are banned from smoking in the car as well? They'll be even more hyper on the journey if they are... :eek:
  5. I agree with this.
  6. I can't see the problem with lighting a bit of weed, calms the nerves
  7. WTF is the world coming to?
    There is NOTHING that this bloody society won't try to ban,it seems some people just cannot stop interfering in other peoples lives ffs.
    If smoking in cars with kids is so bloody dangerous,how come my whole generation haven't pegged it already?
    My mum and dad smoked like chimneys,as did most of my oppo's parents.
    And 99% of us are still alive and kicking,more of us have died from going too fast than natural causes.
    Jeesus wept....
    If you ever wondered why no fecker in this country smiles anymore,it's because sour-faced,prissy,middle class finger-pointers,(Mumsnet/BRAKE/every so-called Think Tank and pressure group in the Country),cannot resist telling others how to live their lives.
    They should keep their gobs shut, and take care of their own kids,instead of imagining danger in every human activity.
    This is no longer a Free Country....
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  8. i am all in favor, i am a smoker with young kids. you would hope common sense would prevail in this one. but obviously not if a law was required.
  9. I'm a smoker and I wouldnt dream of lighting up in a car with kids in. If friends have their kids round my house, i go outside to smoke. I have no problem with this. But a law? This is the thin edge of the wedge. Soon you will not be allowed to eat a mars bar when youre driving. Or take a drink of water.
  10. I'm all for it if you want a fag go outside, Simples
  11. Yeah, lets just ban everything some people dont like. Fuckin moronic. Where will it end? This legislation and hoohaa is a smokescreen for something else.

    Anyone who cannot see this is an idiot.

    Lets ban exhausts louder than 30dB. Lets ban people wearing trainers on their bike, lets ban daytime only MOT's.

    Once something is in law, thats it your fooked. How many times have plod used laws meant for something else to enforce something different entirely.

    Wake up. The Mail is running your legislature.
  12. I am against smoking in cars anyway regardless of the health risks from smoking, more to do with how stupid it seems allowing people to set fire to things while they are driving .
    I`m not a smoker but unless the government decides to ban it entirely then they should stop interfering and let people carry on. Has the law of unintended consequences been considered ? Ban smoking in pubs and you end up with more people smoke more at home in front of the children.
    Does anyone know purely in financial terms, does the tax take on smoking cover the health spend ?
  13. Hmmm yes i forgot about that plague of people setting themselves on fire when they are driving. You hear about it a lot. You cant move on the roads for cars on fire these days.

    I'd like to ban beer completely because i dont drink so why should you. Shouldnt drink alcohol in front of children or eat sugary cakes or biscuits.
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  14. just a bit of child protection if you ask me. your a mod. the public get what the public wants. the jam.
    #15 finm, Jan 30, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
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  15. I may not have explained myself properly. I`m against government interference on this and many other things. The more you tell people what to do the less they have to think for themselves and the worse things get in my opinion. Let people take responsibility for themselves and generally they tend to behave responsibly, treat them like idiots and that is how they behave.
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  16. Whilst I am unhappy with the government banning anything without good cause I think that in this case there is good cause and the ban should go ahead. Why should anyone be allowed to inflict a toxic blend of chemicals on another person ?
  17. Where do you draw the line then ? Ban parents from giving their children unhealthy food packed with all sorts of shite ? Better to educate people and let them decide isn't it ?
  18. Nah, the kids are travelling in another car driven by the nanny, both of which we're paying for :upyeah:
  19. You can get done for eating or drinking in a car. Due care and attention, not in control etc.
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