So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Today I am having a day off. I'm gonna let my sore neck and shoulders recover, and read my bike mags. :upyeah:

    Tomorrow looks like it's gonna be a bluebird day so we're going to Switzerland :smile:
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  2. You need to find a young nubile slave to do the carrying.:smile:
  3. I have been up all night in agony, Back and forth to the bog spewing and shittin...I have a ringpeice like a Caribbean Sunset and now lying in bed trying to keep painkillers down!
  4. very sensible…….. - WIMP!!! - just get out there and hit the slopes - or perhaps you have 'hit' too many already?

  5. Yep I wimped out and feel tons better for it!

    I've done a bit of work, read Bike magazine, been for a walk around Morzine and had lunch, and I've had three power naps. I'm now lazing on the sofa in the chalet and feeling good and not battered! :smile:
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  6. excellent!! we expect 120kms out of you tomorrow - dawn til dusk. no 'power' lunches, no hot chocs…………….oh no, you're a boarder, thats half the day on your ass then!!!!!!!, looking at the scenery. :cool:


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  7. Put a new rear tyre on 916. Put heavier cables on battery to starter, such a difference cranking over. Thanks guys for the solution. Just waiting on the good weather now , will it come.
  8. Yes eventually-if you can wait that long.
  9. :tongue:
  10. A quick 340 mile and day in the office day, days are always tough when they start at 530 and are still going at 1900. Yawn
  11. today, I have fixed a (garage) neighbours wall that I inadvertently demolished with my box trailer, rode my hyperretard to a Ducati forum meet with two bloke who didn't have Ducatis and now I'm being taken out to dinner by my lovely wife. Civilised place - Leffe on tap!

    Queue rolling in the aisles!
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  12. and I nearly forgot - for Glid:

    In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed, and they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Ramaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock. And velcro.
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  13. Spraying double yellow lines in aldershot lovely
  14. almost had a coronary having received the first quote for a multi bike policy. More quotes to follow, hopefully for less.
  15. What colour are you spraying them? Rattle cans? Lol
  16. Another day another interview
  17. Good luck for all your interviews.:upyeah:
  18. :upyeah:

    So goes the famous quote, but it's not quite accurate.

    Cuckoo clocks are actually made in Germany, in the Black Forest. The Swiss make all the watches (and they are the biz).
    They also invented chocolate, not to mention LSD! Sadly, Le Corbusier was Swiss, and he's the fuckwit to blame for half the vile buildings in the world.

    Also, the Swiss were a very warlike race, constantly fighting with each other. They were Europe's mercenaries, as many got bored looking after cows. This is the reason the Vatican guard is still Swiss - they'd go and fight for anyone for some cash.
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