Why ME

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mc Tool, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Why am I the only member with a brown coloured thing showing where I am on the globe members map thing . Brown is my least favourite colour , Id rather be pink ( I am sort of ) or even green like Dave ( I like green .... stuff ) and all you other bastards are blue ....................well I don't want to be brown , If I have to be a different colour to EVERYONE else I want to pick it :tongue::wink::smile::biggrin:
  2. I really have no idea what in the world you are talking about :tongue:
  3. I'm guessing he means his location pointer on the members map???
  4. Given up on map as don't even remember how to find it - still don't know why it can't be included in 'Quick Links'
  5. We are all brown because that's us - everyone one else is blue

    Thread closed
  6. Very funny but Im still brown
  7. Your green !:smile:
  8. Who's White??
  9. i'm whiter than white me.
  10. MemberList.png

    EDIT - Ah, that's not the map, is it? I see your point.:wink:

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  11. I will be later
  12. maybe its because the water goes down your plug hole the wrong way
  13. members map?
  14. It's a bit like pin the tail on the donkey :eek:
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  15. Where is this member map then?... Can I put my member on it?
  16. Only if it's pink.
  17. Was born a Brown...dint have much choice in the matter
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  18. Listen you buggers :biggrin: I started this thread after noticing that mine location indicator was the only brown one ( I wish I had said orange instead ) and I just wondered why .... I really don't mind , but it seems to be ever so slightly heading in a direction that I never intended , although I must admit a little naivety for not realising it was a possibility:rolleyes:. I just don't want anyone to be offended because it may have appeared that my post had certain overtones from the start :smile:
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  19. You big racist!
  20. Think his member went in the wrong hole! If its brown!!...:tongue::tongue:
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