Not sure but the Italian's are making a proper dogs dinner of the whole affair.... She certainly looks a naughty girl, mind you....
She certainly looked guilty from the very start. given the Rudi G character pleaded guilty, and he was supposed to be part of the group, where is his evidence ?
I think their reasoning is as far fetched as the tea from China. First sex games and now out of nowhere, because the apartment was dirty. I don't think she's guilty or the poor Italian chap or put it another way. Not enough by on convict but Its a sad case for all involved but the Italians aren't good at administering justice. Just look at the berlesconi mess..
The Kercher family seem convinced she is. The courts says so too. But will we ever know the truth? Doubt it.
I doubt that very much - Yanks are very unwilling to extradite their own... Whinge like bitches when they want someone from another country though!
at the end of the day a innocent English girl had her throat cut and justice needs to be done. she needs to be locked up ..and made tk tell the bloody truth
They've been found guilty of murder. Thats the fact. They should be inside and appealing from there. The way we have extradited people to the states, they should have no reason whatsoever to withhold the same to Italy.
That's a bit harsh. Sometimes a difficult case comes along where the original trial verdict is quashed on appeal, then there is a retrial with a different verdict which is also later quashed on appeal, etc etc. This happens occasionally in Italy, in the UK, and in every other country with a legal structure. I do not see that the Italians have done any worse than anybody else.
And even the British press seem to accept our legal system isn't the best. Just like the media in every other country. Journalists everywhere are always finding fault with laws, courts, judges, legal processes, sentences, etc etc. It's just what they do.
I think it's farcical that it's gone on this long. The fact we are now on the second round of appeals for one, and also that the other Solecito didn't appear in court due to stress! However, Amanda Knox has made quite a considerable sum of money off the back of this in the USA, and I'm not buying this whole "I don't know my place in society" angle she's touting either, However, whatever the case the thing that is of interest is also how it will be unlikely that the USA will extradite her citing political reasons, yet it pursues those who is perceives as having wronged it abroad with a particularly zeal, that hacker chappie being the one that comes to mind.
The whole problem with this case seems to be a lack of credible evidence to support a murder conviction. If I remember there was some problem with tainted forensic evidence presented to the court, which was used first to convict, and then when shown to be unreliable, the reason they were released. I don't recall there being any new evidence presented to the trial, so how can they be re-convicted? I'm not saying they're innocent, I don't have all the facts, and I would have taken great interest had I been on a jury for this case, but I believe that the prosecution should present irrefutable evidence that they are guilty, and if they can't then they should be free. Both the Italian police, and justice system seem to be somewhat less than competent in this case.
Yep that hacker but worse still the old fella accused of I think it was money laundering for the Iranians even tho all he did was sell legitimately stuff from the UK. And our spineless wankers of a govt let him go, losing everything he had, and risking 150 year jail term