So if you don't have a gun in your hand you get shot by the police and killed, but if you do have a gun you don't get shot unless you point it at them. Thanks for clearing that up.
Antonye you are in cock territory…….you know dam well its not as simple as that in either case………… is about info/intel, threat/risk, and then perception……..which is as wide as you want it to be...
If I were a gangster and had access to firearms, I would consider myself a legitimate target for being shot by either other gangsters or the Police. If I could not man up and accept that, I would not then consider myself a gangster. If the Police were to do a Hard stop on me, I would make damn sure I followed everything they said and kept my empty hands right were they could see them at all times. Maybe he threw the gun, maybe he didn't, I reckon I could easily throw one that far wrapped in a sock whilst sitting down. He had the phone in his hand, at a distance in the excitement, its easily mistaken for a firearm. I want to go home from my job tonight, do I shoot, split second life and death decision, he shot. I really don't like seeing folk fall out with each other about it on here. Maybe you disagree with me, that's ok, I won't take offence. Lets just not have a POP at one another, just discuss eh? Anyway, that's what happened and I am turning my PC off now. :tongue:
I know that, you know that; it seems a few others are having trouble grasping the concept that it's very difficult to make accurate decisions during these events and are happy to shoot first and ask questions later which is what I am having trouble with.
No this is wrong, that is certainly not the case in the Duggen incident……or any Police incident, the Police use of firearms will always be reactive….
...Weakness. Only joking! The situation is different. It's the context that sets a decision to be right or wrong.
look there are a million questions to ask re the Hillier example……not least of which is who knows and at what point of the incident for certain that that gun in his hand is not loaded…..