Made up for you guys - what you gonna spend your savings on? Had my first cold since giving up to years ago - normally it would have gone to my chest by now and I'd be hacking like a good un but it's nearly cleared up now Keep it up.
Boots the chemist have decided to sell E cigs. I know this because my daughter works for them. They have resisted so far to sell them because of the "health issues"..... So they either now consider them safe, or they're cashing in. Who knows ? :wink:
I'm not sure, she's going on a day course in the next few weeks. Big discounts for me I hope. Mind you, she hates me using them. :wink:
Well done lads keep it up. What e-cig are you using Fig, get a decent drip tip ( not those rubbish cartomisers) then you shouldn't get the leaking problem.
they are different, and being forced to use them with the cig smokers due to company policy doesn't help either... I'm happy with what I'm doing though... Just keep thinking that I'm now not spending around £16 a day on fags!...:biggrin:
I was using an Innokin VV V3 til it died, now just a cheap ego battery, but as it's payday today I shall be splurging out on a decent bit of kit. I will get a drip tip, but I don't envisage using it much, it's not exactly convenient to be carrying a bottle of juice around with you and having to top up every time you want a smoke.
True enough, the reason being you get some very odd looks when you use them. People look at you as if you're some kind of crazed junkie trying to get a hit. I'm used to the odd looks though, I used to own a fuglystrada...
Get a refillable tank with a 510 fitting, I fill mine and it lasts all day when I'm fishing or working, then you can use the drip at home. When I first started I had a screwdriver as that was the thing to have, I used the clearomisers, but found they leaked and the taste is completely different than the drip tip (which burns better of the two) or tank even though it was the same juice. I then went onto the Ego T, but now use a manual mod for the tank and Evic for the drip but both work well for either.
I understood all of that perfectly, but put yourself in the shoes of someone who just wants to quit smoking and doesn't know which e-fag to buy... This industry could be so much more effective and so much more profitable, if only it spoke English...
The problem is you need a pretty good bit of kit to drag you away from cigarettes. I was lucky in that my brother gave me an e-fag and explained how it was better than the High St version; if not I'd have still been smoking. The high St has picked up on e-cigs only so far as offering electronic fags that look like real fags. Trouble is they don't work very well. I've been buying garage forecourt e-fags for a while, but they ain't great. The first drag of the e-cig my brother gave me was enough to convince me I could do without normal fags - there's that much difference when you find the right equipment. Problem is, the 'serious' e-fag trade is driven by internet dealers and one-man bands, no-one (in the UK) has picked up the e-fag thing in the same way that hybrid cars or complimentary medicine has been picked up on. Even though it is an exceptionally good way to get away from fags. The market needs a high profile, but it hasn't got one cos it's seen as a bit 'niche'.
I was in your shoes 5 years ago and that was when the industry was just in it's infancy. There wasn't as many web sites or e-cigs to choose from. It's also a bit of trial and error with out having to spend too much on the wrong thing. Some are at an advatage having shops in their area to try out and seek advice, there are no shops down here, so got together with a couple of mates who been vaping a while before buying anything and discussed the best way forward. The drip tip I'm using now is a dual coil nimbus, which I've been running since xmas and not had to rebuild yet, even though it gets a fair bit of use. I found the cartomisers get black on the wick and don't burn as well after a while, when mine gets black I just burn it with no juice which heats up the coil and cleans the wick thus improving the taste which you can't do with a sealed cartomiser. BTW have you tried a cigarette since being on the e-cig, as I found after just a week they tasted bloody awful and wouldn't go back.
No. And I've no intention of doing so. I've had a bad few days of cravings but just got on with smoking the e-fag. If I have one normal fag it'll spell the end, and I'm not going to let that happen.