Sunday looking dry...

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by bradders, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. ...anyone South out?
  2. maybe fire it up ,,hope it starts
  3. almost certainly as probably tied up today. Sold the DR yet? - come spring you are bound to surely.
  4. Few interested, one guy very and I said I'd start it and post a vid this weekend once i can get clean of the garage. Must sort track bike first
  5. Might be about in the morning yes. A dry run would be lovely!
  6. Ok so let's say 0930 ish at Loomies and go from there
  7. A load of the 675 forum boys are going there I think? Is loomies and h's the same place?
  8. H's is Oxford way. Loomies south of Alton. So no ;)
  9. I'd like to get out if my neck feels better than today
  10. A272 is a no oh as much of it covered in water or mud so may be another west run. Aiming to be home for 1230 so not too far
  11. I might do H's at Dorchester tomorrow after lunch, depends if I manage to finish the long list SWMBO has prepared for me :frown:
  12. It's actually dry out there! I'll be at Loomies on the 848 for about 9 for breakfast! See you there.
  13. Oops! Just got up. And bright sunshine...too late for a ride now. Damn
  14. it's never too late B as long as the sun is out :)
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