Wifes Observations.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. you drive a hard bargain.A fiver and a Twix for first dibs then?
  2. It will come to you eventually.:biggrin:
  3. She may not want a Gladius and she want to lead and she might be a sodding good rider.
  4. No chance.

    Those women are impossible to marry.
  5. Oh well!
  6. My wife has started calling me Spiderman.

    Not because I have superhuman powers, it's just that I have difficulty climbing out of the bath
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  7. You can, as long as nobody sees you. :eek: :wink: :biggrin:
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  8. My Mrs Dead on to although she likes bikes in the winter more because there in the garage so the wee lad is always with me, keeping out of her toes, but the summer time she says im never off the bike have to show her the clocks sometimes to stop her exaggeration of time on bike. Hopefully this year the young lad will join me in a few sat and sun rides he is eight now and big enough I think... We will see.
  9. Mines a bit dark on the whole bike thing now . on the day of my crash ,as she was leaving for work , she said she had a really bad feeling and made me promise ( on a BIG stack of bibles ) not to go out on the bike ........... but I did ..... ( we need more smilies )
  10. Don't mention the B word round my house if you visit this week... Mrs Rowley has just discovered the extent of my purchases this month. The huge stack of parcels in the house could have been considered somewhat of a clue, but looking at my bank account finally gave the game away. Damn!!

    Ah well :) it's too late now my love!
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  11. I've been riding Ducatis all my life……..never did me any harm…………..:biggrin:
  12. Just read this thread....I must be on my own....don't like boxer engine at all.....looks ugly. Having said that I think the motor on my hyper looks like a lawnmower engine...

    Without veering off on an angle I find the same with the mt-09 everyone raves on about it but it looks awful....as I say personal opinion though...
  13. Whatever else BMW do or have done in the world of bikes, beautiful isn't one of them.
  14. Phew...glad someone agrees....the hp2 lovely bike...boxer engine...ruins it.....and don't get me started on guzzi's one company that should be banned from building anything on two wheels...
  15. I think you will have to treat Mrs Rowley to some bribery and corruption-some flowers,cook her a meal/take out to dinner?
    Failing that is plan B.Have the parcels delivered elsewhere and sneak the goodies indoors.:rolleyes:
    However most of our wives are far more savvy than we are so you will just have to plead insanity:upyeah:
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  16. The mt-09 looks like its been beaten to within an inch of its life with an ugly stick...

  17. I was getting them sent to MADASL where it's being built but I was worried if he missed deliveries he'd have drive for an hour to pick them up.

    She had diamond earrings for christmas and a new car so I should be in the good books. Although it seems she didn't come with a brownie points credit/debit function. They're very short-lived...
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  18. You seem to be doing everything right.You will have to plead insanity then.:smile:
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  19. Are you into wife swapping?
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