I don't care that cyclists don't have to pay to use the road, and I don't believe there is any unwritten hierarchy on the road, we all have to look after each other. Except a huge number of cyclists don't, they couldn't a fuck about anyone else but themselves, and that's what gets my goat.
The beauty about cycling is that you have no reg plate or any documentation attached. This encourages naughtiness cos you are much less likely to be done for reckless cycling. And lets face it, we all like to be naughty.... Well I do:wink:
That's fine right up to the point where you start damaging my car, as has happened on too many occasions. Then I get the hump.
London cyclists have no such cares, they're more than happy to kick the shit out of anyones' car so long as it doesn't interfere with their all-important average speed.
Never turn down a good generalisation, eh? A few people came to work by bike. Didn't seem very aggressive to me. There is a difference between being decisive - which you have to be if you want to stay alive - and aggressive, especially towards other road users.
I think Ive made it perfectly clear that I own the road and that you should ALL fuck off out of my way. I have a 50hp VW Campervan and it doesnt need road tax.
You don't pay road tax. None of us pay road tax. I do pay Vehicle Excise Duty which allows me to keep a motor vehicle on a public road. It's not a tax on using the road, and it's only for vehicles with a motor. Pedestrians also do not pay Vehicle Excise Duty but are also allowed to use the roads. Also, just because he's on a bicycle now, doesn't mean that he doesn't own a car and hasn't paid Vehicle Excise Duty on that. So if you consider it a 'road tax' he probably has paid it. 'The Cambridge Cycle Campaign suggested that "Arguing that cyclists therefore have less right to use the roads is like arguing that smokers should take precedence for medical treatment, because non-smokers don't buy cigarettes and therefore 'don't pay hospital tax" '
Interesting. Where would the NHS get it's money from if everyone gave up smoking and drinking? The healthy..?
Income tax, and if that didn't work, a VAT hike and if that didn't work, some other invented tax. You can tax anything you like if you are a government. You could tax black socks or just socks if you felt like it. Personally, I think they should tax fizzy drinks, sweets, processed desserts etc etc. They are all making the nation fat and unhealthy. Why just do smokers and drinkers?
You're slightly off there Glidd, you can only effectively tax something that people are obliged to buy. Fuel for car owners, cigarettes for smokers and house purchases. If they taxed orange juice then people would drink apple juice. I think a tax on tyres and water would probably bring in some sizeable income.
you could even tax the alcohol in the house of commons bar…………………….oh no its 'special price'………..and still they get pissed and have handbags….
It would have to be flat rate, although that wouldn't be fair as cyclists use more. Under a measured usage system everyone would get fat. An anti-fitness tax.
I thought public using the road were called J walkers and is a criminal offence as for the excise duty , when I pay my "road tax" on the form it states car Road Tax , motorcycle road tax, HGV Road tax ?
Jaywalking isn't illegal in the UK although Ken Livingstone tried to make it so. Also I don't know what your form says or what country you are in but in the UK it's vehicle excise duty and it doesn't pay for the roads.