So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. There was a violent storm round my way last week, really strong winds and lashing rain, but it only lasted 15 minutes. Just found this pic on facebook, taken by my mate at the time...


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  2. is he no longer your mate?
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  3. I use the term 'mate' loosely...
  4. made the call. 3pm sharp at the bloody tower. tomorrow.
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  5. You just make sure you're sitting the right way round...
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  6. Busy getting docs and paperwork sorted for 6wks in African destinations.
  7. Not quite as glamourous; I went to Bristol, then fixed my washing machine...
  8. Mrs Mervyn dumped me off at my Yoga class,a special one for broken people.No, I didn't have a Lycra outfit.Left there suitably spaced out.Paid deposit on my new to me bike and the guy is going to deliver it to me.:upyeah:
    I still get excited at the thought of a new/old bike and can't wait for it to arrive.
  9. Now you've done the deal please feel free to enlighten us as to your new purchase?
  10. Triton 750, wasn't it?

    Photos soon.
  11. I've been doing quite a lot of correspondance. I have accumulated quite a few postcards over the years so I have decided this year to start sending them to people, almost randomly. Letter boxes are depressing things these days. It's nice to get cards from friends - brightens up your day. Much nicer than another bloody email or text.

    I am also surprised how out of practice you get actually using your handwriting. I can type way faster than write these days, but I write italic and it has to look good. The medium is the message.
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  12. Full marks to you Glidd.:upyeah:
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  13. Always nice to receive a handwritten card/letter.A dying form of communication these days.
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  14. 170 miles followed by 10 hrs in a training room... Yawn
  15. Those were the days, did you have break out groups and discuss brand values?
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  16. That's marketing.

    Bradders is in sales.

    Probably more bollocks about closing.
  17. Got my complimentary ticket for the London bike show. Be rude to miss it now.
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  18. I was an Area Sales Director for a large national company and had to endure more than enough of that bollocks.

    Funnily enough productivity never increased as a result of any meetings or training sessions.
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  19. Booked Donny WSBK Accom.
    Booked IOM for Easter.
    Booked Dorset for a week with a stop off for Speedway in Cardiff.
    Booked a week in Crete at Sensatori Resort.

    Just got IOM MGP to book now.
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  20. White lines near odiham much better than yellow
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