Is the 1199 too much?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by fabriciom, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. it would be too much for me, some times i get of the 848 feeling a bit miffed that i cant get in the groove and get even near the limit off it.
  2. Try a 600 SS instead, gently does it :upyeah:
  3. I wouldn't say that the 1199s 'scared' me either, it's fast no doubt and on nice sweeping roads I would have probably enjoyed it more but you need a motocross bike round these parts! I think I would still get the 899, I went out on my 848 at the weekend and having not ridden for quite a while I was loving it!
  4. It's that line between wide eyed and terrified...:biggrin:
  5. Ive noticed recently, as I am fairly unfit, that the fitter I am the less terrified I am. Thus I have been doing my exercises since 1st Jan. 4m walk every day (to work and back). 30 press ups and sit ups in the morning.

    I did the same last year but stopped in March, but I noticed the difference during our Alpine adventure. I was less tired and more able to keep it ragged for longer.

    Fitness and a reasonable bit of stamina and upper body strength helps.

    Typical, when I was a youth I was a demolition man and also a scaffolder. I was very fit and very strong. Yet I rode lambrettas. Now I am 48, i work in an office. I am a soft shite and ride superbikes. Shoulda been the other way round. So now I am going to get fit to enhance my riding experience.

    Its only feb and I'm knackered....
  6. Does help, I'm and ole fart(ish) but still pump da iron 4-5 times a week.
    I had no muscle fatigue at all after 3 days on track...[​IMG]

    Had to have tea and a biscuit in the afternoon though, followed by a little lie down...:biggrin:
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Mmmm nice

    For you Nelson. Tis a grand site.

  8. OAP Porn...:upyeah:
  9. biscuit in a jar efing magic.
  10. I am a Ginja nut master at the art of biscuits and tea. It involves a lot of meditation on the sofa with the afore mentioned articles.
  11. You weren't at Categenga last week were you?

  12. Yup...:cool:

  13. I was tempted, I ( Company ) sponsor Joe Burns- JG Speedfit Kawasaki, he took his Superstock 1000 out there for the first test/time on the bike of the year. What do you ride Nelson ?
  14. Categenga == Cartagena

  15. Cartagena - correcto!
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