So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. These are people I know, friends and family. I've worked for them before, and left due to arguments about money. I'm being a bit premature here, I've not had a proper discussion with them yet, but I can guess which way the conversation's gonna go. Last time I walked out without a job to go to, I'll not risk that this time.
  2. put on the charm and steal there customers.
  3. We got told before christmas we were all up for redundancy in Jan due to "management restructuring", I have now re-applied for my old "new" job with a bit more responsibility and one grade up from before. Got new contract and Money exactly the same for more work..... tossers. Better than the dole..... Some day's I wonder.
  4. Another 9 hrs in a training room and 170 miles drive home. Yawn
  5. Yes, that's a favourite scam these days.

    I wonder if that happens in the public sector?
  6. Yes it does. That one's been going on for a few years now.
  7. Yes that practice is prevalent in the public sector, I went through it with a private sector job about 12 years ago, had to re-apply for job that I'd been doing for 10 years, luckily I got the job, however the whole experience was so unpleasant and unsettling, I buggered off two years later.
  8. i'v still got bloody tooth ache
  9. Uh-oh.

    Took out wrong teeth, or aching where teeth were?
  10. wrong tooth i think.
  11. its a good job shes attractive or i wouldn't go back. i also service her car, i can feel a wee misdiagnoses coming on.
  12. Love that use of "also", as in, what else do you service?
  13. Her pension.
  14. beans on toast next

    then I might brave the weather and head to the garage , need to take the rear seat cowl off
  15. Go on, treat it for a sunny day :upyeah:
  16. Waiting for my recent purchase to arrive.Wish it would stop peeing down for a bit.
  17. Are you implying that I can have a jammy dodger?
  18. It wasn't but now you mention it, then why the hell not. In fact have two :upyeah:
  19. Sat on the seafront in Las Palmas havin a beer or 3, head off down the African coast in a few days.
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