I fancy a Bose Sound Wave for playing cds/radio in the kitchen They seem to hold their value second hand - anyone got any experience of them and are they worth their price, or should I consider an alternative ? Cheers
We had them in previous hotel. Not that good for what they are/cost. Still sound is good I just would not get it.
If you've got a Mac, iPod, iPhone or iPad with some music on it, get a B&W A7 and wirelessly stream music to that. They are very good. If a little pricey, try the A5. if that's still too much (come on. how serious about this are you?) try the Z2. The A7 particularly is hugely impressive. Neighbour-annoying volumes all out of a discreet box. Plenty of bass too.
Ive a set of Tannoy's at home. Had them for 20yrs. Theyre awesome. Well awesome enough for me anyways.
My mums had one of those Bose units for years and years - probably since the late 80's still going strong and she still has the original remote !
Mine are the triangular in plan view ones. Dominik did a great job. 20 yrs of loud musical abuse hasnt dented their performance one bit.
We've got the earlier Sound Wave,excellent piece of kit.Plenty of bass,crisp mids and highs. Probably as good as you can get for a stand-alone system. Bit pricey,but worth it.
it will be nearly 20 years since i have seen him went off to work for a french company. who makes speakers in france
I've got the B&W Zeppelin Airplay - amazing sound and the Airplay is excellent too. Far superior when compared side by side with my mate's BOSE, so much so that he bayed his & bought a Zep!
I bought a Bose Accoustic wave system 2 a good few years ago for my wife. We are very happy with it. I know there are better systems but the sound is excellent. When we lived in India in a big house you could hold parties and people couln't beleive that such a small unit gave such excellent bass'y sound. It is also a nice design, well made and doesn't take up much space. Would not hesitate to buy it again.
I have a BOSE Wave in my kitchen. It's good for it's size, but it is expensive for what it is. Ideal where you want a decent sound without taking up too much space.
I've got the sound wave, agree with post #16. You could also try the Arcam RCube. Very good quality, and with a dongle, can be used wirelessly with iPad, iPhone, laptop etc.
I've got a sony sound bar in the lounge with a wireless subwoofer, Bluetooth connectivity and a small house. It goes very loud, and works with everything we have that makes a noise.