I spread my dads ashes over Poole harbour from his Grumman Traveller which got me in a both of bother with the CAA,but its was fitting as he flew from hurn over that water several times and had a sailing boat at Cobs quay and that's what he would of wanted.
my wife told me when I die they will never find the body..................at least I don't have to save for my funeral
My bod going to medical science after anything of use can be used such as eyes, skin, blood etc. I wont need the stuff so if it helps other people get better then I'm all for it. There's a very large shortage of cadavers for medical students to practice on as well! All this is if I die while the bits are worth anything. If not then it's a rocket for me. Whizzz bang.
Just hope a few mates can turn up with bikes, maybe I'll arrive in that funeral sidecar that advertises. Carried in to Always look on the bright side of life and sent on my way with Pink Floyd Dark side of the moon. Then they can all go off and get well pissed, I might even have left a few quid behind the bar :biggrin:. PS you're all welcome to come along but all being well I'll be around for a while yet.
I think I'll commission an artist to stuff me and put me on display at the Tate Modern. Imagine if you will, art lovers, the front of an old Foden lorry, with fig splattered across the grille, eyes wide open in a state of horror, for all eternity...
Cremated, Then however it happens, the 900ss taken to the top of the climb outside Dinas Mawwdwy, my ashes seperated into two equal piles and loaded musket style into the straight through cans of my 900ss then the bloody thing started! That way I can be with the low level jets passing through the valley and get up the noses of the Welsh at the same time!
Sorry to resurrect this thread but http://www.ashesintoglass.co.uk/product-overview.php?gclid=CLHTvYLOzrwCFWfLtAodpS0AIQ
Don't do it in this current spate of weather...........you will end up spread from Wales to Blackpool.........
I'm going out to Hey Joe, Crossroads, When the levee breaks and Gallows Pole............ ................f*** it, if I'm going to be miserable, the rest of them can.