About time too ! My local chippy has been doing it for years, and the Chinese takeaways make fortunes out of this despicable practice Massive police crackdown on multipack cans sold separately
Of all the unnecessary tasks a policeman could do, this has got to be right up there. Sorry, Mr multinational corporation, are you not squeezing enough money out of businesses? Let me help you out there.
You do know that the Daily Mash is a piss-take website, right? All the stories are made up, a bit like the Daily Mail.
The ( hot ) wee Cambodian chick that runs the local dairy ( yeah ... The Indians are a bit slow round here :biggrin: ) buys her 1.5 and 2 litre Coke , et all from the large local nation wide supermarket ... because she can get it cheaper there than off the official wholesaler ..... how stupid is that ..... Good on her . AND she is a top lady too ..... drives a 5 litre supercharged V8 she can hardly see over the dash of !
Surely the Police should be clamping down on a far worse crime of selling crisps individually from a multi pack.
Yeah but think about it for a minute .... this heinous crime will be classified as fraud or some other big name crime and a poor shop keeper ( Mr Patel :smile: ) will be convicted , But the real crime is that this will be recorded as a SOLVED Fraud ( or whatever ) and will be presented to the public in the police crime clear up stats as such . The cops over here , a few years ago , started spewing bullshit about how the burglary rates had dropped dramatically , and were patting themselves on the back ......... until we discovered that they had decided to add a new category called " home invasion" . By coincidence ( Im sure ) the amount of home invasion crimes totalled slightly more than the drop in burgleries . The thing that pisses me off is that when they are caught out blatantly fudging figures to make themselves look good , they just smirk and represent the same figures ..... like everyone in the world KNOWS they are lying and they know we know .... and they just don't give a fuck
I bought a multipack can of Vimto from my local corner shop, and called 999 to report it. The weren't interested, so I set my house on fire, so I wouldn't look stupid
“We will be pushing for custodial sentences and in these cases I believe life should mean life." Life imprisonment for selling a multipack can of drink, nice spin.