you are slacking…….

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. the methods used by the officer seems a bit excessive, but i am always the first to say never be fooled by the wrinkles. whats your thoughts andy.
  2. Hmmm, seems there is vast profit to be made being a prick. I am jealous to be honest. If Pc Bilious and Ricky Gervais can make money being pricks why cant I?
    #3 Cranker V2, Feb 5, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  3. Am I missing something? The link just goes to the daily fail website?
  4. yes ….
  5. go back on and scroll down
  6. I thought Amber Heard was a rug muncher?
  7. Dunno your trying hard enough . :biggrin:
  8. That money could have gone to parents struggling to bring up their children !........................................
  9. Toss wanker! He has no baws!!... Or brawn

    Oops? That just cost me half a million!! Why do we tolerate this? Ohhh! I'm pissed at my co workers and customers! £30M please!!

  10. I must remember that if ever police jump on the bonnet, kick in my windscreen and smash through the side window if I'm not wearing a seatbelt. They are not guilty of misconduct.

    The OAP was really speeding up there to shake them. He hit at least 30 mph.

    400 grand? You're having a laff.
  11. Don't forget the payout for those who were forced into early retirement.
  12. Bloody hell - I hope he got fired for that. Almost like Chinese whispers without the whispers....while I wouldn't tar'em all with the same brush it shows how, if you get the wrong one....that's it. And yes, ive come across a couple in my time...
  13. I think he's just lit the blue touchpaper and stood back to prove to himself that we really are all the anti-police bastards that he is sure we are. He feels unloved and resentful that although he spends his waking hours looking out for us and society, we repay him and his kind with ingratitude and abuse.

    I shall now go and stand in a corner.
  14. facing the wall. shame on you. :tongue:
  15. Today's award goes to AndyB :) [​IMG]
  16. They stopped him minor infringement, car stopped goy out, then jumped back in and sprinted off, 20min chase when refused to stop, believing something serious within the car or driver when stopped took steps to gain entry after refusal to open doors.

    The facts as reported by the MP on the radio today, and what cleared old plod of any wrong-doing. A year not knowing if he would be sacked, sent to prison, and having his life constantly in the media. Plus 'colleagues' constantly taking piss...

    Make yer own mind up :upyeah:
  17. Never mind all that tosh. Would you boff Bill Roach's daughter..?

    I would:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  18. He probably did....
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