Worst things when drunk?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. What is the worst thing you have done when drunk?

    me? Either shat in the flower pot (which I blamed on someone else), or puked in a colleagues handbag and blamed it on a reportee...
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  2. Dating a lass who's parents would not let us sleep in the same bed. One night back in from a piss up in Cambridge, was put into the spare bed n woke up in the morning having Grand Slammed...pissed the bed, puked in the bed n shat in the bed... Needless to say we didn't stay together too long after that!

    Learnt a lesson tho...don't drink snakebite
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  3. thousands.
  4. AWESOME! Once fucked a girl who had a Golf.GTI convertible purely cos she had a Gof GTI convertible... Ahhhh... The 80's!!
  5. That is brilliant! Like a worst nightmare!

    I bet that took some explaining. How did you clear up - just set fire to the whole bedroom?
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  6. Diving home pissed ( and still thirsty ) , in a standard 10 van , burgled the police social clubrooms ( I always wanted to drink beer straight from the tap ) went home and got all my empty flagons ( 1/2 gallon beer jars ) returned to the clubrooms and filled them . Got pulled up and processed for drunk driving on the way home . Police delivered me home , where I waited a safe amount of time , got on motorbike ( suzi T350 ) and returned to where van was parked ( still with the prize in the back ) and loaded as much beer as I could fit into back pack and headed for home, and was again stopped and processed for drunk driving ( different cop, dog handler ) , strip searched at road side and , whilst wearing only undies was locked in back of dog van .... with dog , who was not happy about sharing , locked up for the night , right next door to where I "got " the beer, and released next morning ( with the beer :smile::smile: ) and spent some of the next day ( with some equally delinquent mates ) parked in the standard 10 at the rugby grounds opposite the cop shop ... watching them going mental finger printing everything in site ..... while we downed their beer

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  7. Aaaahhh NO !!! I'm not falling for this EVER again !!! :wink:
  8. Were you in the film "Trainspotting"? :smile:
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  9. i do know some one who set fire to his bed after a tell tail stain was left on the bed after pulling when his live in girl friend was away.
  10. yeah yeah, "know some one"...
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  11. Smashed a car up right outside Southport Police station. The was Early 90's when drink driving was more socially acceptable! managed to get banned for that one lol
    Took a short cut across some back gardens which ended up collapsing a few fences along my route. Cut along story and a bit of a chase I ended up in the cells and done with criminal damage.
    Shagged my mates Mum
    Blew up a Microwave
    Accidentally set fire to a car
    Tried Crack
    I'm sure there is loads more I have forgotten
    #11 Mr C, Feb 6, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
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  12. Eh ? my dog is always naked :smile:
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  13. Me and some mates were at a house party, i was occupied with the host at the end of the night and after our romp in her the parents bedroom (Parents on holidays) i got up and cleaned my manhood on the curtains.

    After in the kitchen it was only a few of us left and still drinking and smoking, we were having a cup of tea, and we put some tea bags in the fish tank, at the time it was hilarious. The host did not think so, and we were kicked out before we could finish our tea, how rude.
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  14. Rode a scooter from one door, through the pub, and out the other door whilst drunk wearing nothing but a traffic cone.

    rode a scooter wearing fuck all except a grass skirt whilst drunk

    shagged a bird on middle of tiffanys dance floor in G Yarmouth. She wasnt a looker. oh whilst drunk

    ...i'm afraid i probably have many more..
  15. I vomited all over the landing in my student house when drunk, panicked and used the vacuum to clean it up. my house mates couldn't work out why the house stank of sick whenever anyone used it...
    We appropriated a full set of temporary traffic lights one night.
    I discovered that if you sit in a bread tray you can slide all the way down the 3 flights of concrete steps outside plymouth student union then travel about 40 metres through the carpark at the bottom.
    If you go skinny dipping in Plymouth Hoe your mates will take your clothes and leave you to walk the 3 miles back to the house naked, the key is to strut.

    the best drunken rob i have ever seen was visiting a mate at Cardiff uni, they had a full size McDonalds M in their lounge!
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  16. I bet that took some explaining. How did you clear up - just set fire to the whole bedroom?[/QUOTE]

    Just apologised n slid out the front door!
  17. Proposed.
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  18. 4 kids.
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  19. ah, pink ruck sack.
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  20. That's a Disney princess rucksack, that is. S'got Princess Aurora off of Sleeping Beauty on it.
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