I love the relaxed riding position of my Mutley 1200S Touring as it's kind to my knackered knees. However, I sometimes wish that the bars were just a bit less supermoto. Ideally they could do with being a bit lower, slightly narrower and a bit further forward. Anybody done such a mod? If so, what problems did it cause (fairing clearance, cables etc.)?
You could fit some nice Rizoma bars and let us know. Try the M008 or M005 ones. I reckon the only issues would be whether they hit the lower fairing / tank.
I've been thinking of this type of mod, to see if it transfers some of the weight off my coccyx. I've just ordered some shorter bolts so I can take out the GT bar risers, to see if that helps.
Mine.... ProTaper EVO 'CR High' - flatter profile, so lower and less backward throw to the ends (straighter).....but much the same width as the OE. Stats and install info here: Motorcycle Info Pages - MTS1200 DIY Mods > MTS1200 Handlebar Change
I've gone this route as well via Erik in the USA. Nice guy to deal with and very helpful. Better riding position, flatter butr the bars are still as wide as the standard bars. Erik informed me that he experimented with different bars and they have to be this wide for clearance on the Multi unless you go to the realms of fitting new mastercyclinders which gets pricey.
Yup. just put a towel over your tank under your bars, undo the 4 bar pinch bolts and remove the top clamp, then gently lift your bars onto the towel. then the whole riser and spacer are held on by one long bolt, just undo the bolt and the spacer will drop off the bottom. re fit the riser with M10 x 70 HT metric fine thread bolts. I ordered 2 of these M10 x 1.25P Fine Pitch Cap Head Socket Screw Allen Bolt Steel Grade 12.9 | eBay 70mm long you cant use the original bolts there to long with out the spacers, they go right through the top yoke and hit all the wires / pipes running into the engine bay.
brilliant, thanks for that! have just ordered some , I keep meaning to ask but keep forgetting!! havent seen the bike for a while as it's to shitty weather to go down to the garage!! coming from a sportsbike it feels a bit weird for me having my arms that high up! Also makes my arms ache?