This rain is feckin relentless!!... Is the UK officially sinking now? Anyone down South now knows what it's like living North of Milton Keynes!!...
I'm gonna get trench foot at this rate. Now I know how Manchunians feel. The God of Rain can expect no virgins sacrifice from me this year.
It's snowed for the first time in 30 years in Helmand this week. It seems the weather is broken every where...
:tongue:Faaaark me ! Someone started a thread just to moan about the weather , I mean we have Mervyns new bike , Amanda Knox , cats and baby donkeys , jokes , multi pack splitting criminals, music , Bootsam alienating himself from every woman on the planet ....................... and you guys want to moan about the feckin weather ha ha ha ha :smile:
the animals went in 2x2 as they say, just seen in local paper theyre having trouble with RATS in Leatherhead, because theyre natural houses are flooding so theyre making new ones in sheds houses, and anywhere dry bloody great
I don't mind it too much...I live at the top of a hill....just the fact I can't get either of them out for a quick spin...