why is it that when i sell normal stuff or Suzuki / Honda parts on ebay I get instant payments from the buyers.Never had a problem. The moment i go to sell some Ducati bits (fairing panels) - I get 1 time waster that "didn't mean to bid" and one bit not paid for at all yet.....
What's a reasonable amount of time to give for him to pay up before reporting non payment and offering to somebody else or re-listing??
sent the invoice twice now...second time with "nice" message in case he hadn't got the first one - which of course he obviously would have done.
If payment is not received after 3 days you can start a unpaid item dispute via ebay now.In the good old days about 5 yrs ago ducati parts were in high demand.If someone didn't pay I used to relist and item would sell for more money. Silly questions must be a ducati thing also as I mainly sell clothes on ebay now and don't get asked half as many. Ebay should create a block on silly offers also lmao.
i did actually google him and he appears to be a company secretary/director so probably not short of a few bob! i'l give him the w/e incase he's a busy chap...
I love that bit. He's being so mean and menacing, and we know why, but the two black guys haven't got a clue who he is and just think he's some nutter. Brilliant.