Utterly inappropriate music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. as a musician, im constantly irritated by the inappropriate use of music...almost every youtube video i watch has some irrelevant, intrusive, distracting and downright infuriating music blaring over it.....common ones are the over use of death metal or rap on almost everything from bike videos to apache gunships nalpalming villagers....
    But my biggest gripe of all (probably) is on news stories.....i once had the misfortune to hear Radio One's 'Newsbeat', which has the 'peasoup, peasoup, peasoup, bumtesh, bumtesh Ibiza Acidhouse floor filler backing track as the newsreader (who has more than likely got a name like Stacey) tells us that "5 British serviceman have been flown back dead from Afghanstan....meanwhile, in celebrity jungle Joe drools over Amy's knockers"..thumpa, thumpa...
    Check this video out for a classic example...
    The story is reporting on the suspected murder of Hollwood actress Brittany Murphy...First you will notice the utter lack of sincerity from the announcer, but listen to the Dawson's Creek music in the background..
    Totally offensive to the memory of this girl..

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  2. I remember someone had this playing in church at a funeral once. Not sure if I approve or not. Still, it's their funeral.....

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  3. i remember you by skid row at the annual Alzheimer dinner dance.
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  4. I thought they forgot to turn up.

  5. what? like loads?
  6. Funks - either you are absolutely right, or we are both grumpy old gits - I can't decide which. But I entirely agree with you... It's everywhere on TV and radio - irritating background noise that detracts from the information been given out. The other thing that I find bemusing is the Christmas music that gets played every year, especially Greg Lake's "I believe in Father Christmas" (halleluyah, noel, be it heaven or hell, the Christmas we get we deserve...) or Jonah Louis' "Stop the cavalry" and all the vaccuous morons sing along as though they are happy, cheery songs... It's because no-one actually listens to the lyrics...
  7. funkyrimpler is conspicuous by his absence for the last 2 going on 3 month.
    I take it there are two possible outcomes.

    1. Hes been locked up for granny shagging


    2. the tv licence man got him a lengthy stretch....

    So where has he dissappeared to ????
    #10 Phill, Feb 6, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  8. Don't know. Never noticed as he's on my ignore list.
  9. world tour?
  10. Care homes ???
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  11. Can someone start one on well iffy album covers !!!! There's some really funny scary ones out there !!
  12. My grandad had the 1812 overture ... The curtain thing that comes round to hide the coffin went wrong :(
    Then my who ever wrote the Eulogy said and there were famous pupils at the school my Grandfather was a long standing governor at... And then started banging on about my Grandad had the pleasure of knowing students like ......Gary Glitter !!!!!
    We were by then speechless as it was when he'd been ousted for being a peado .
    Then the 1812 overture was the music my Grandad picked .. It went quiet so we got up to walk out respectfully and all the cannon noises and stuff suddenly started so we quickly sat down .. Then stood up .. Then sat down ..
    Then we were all looking at each other thinking what do we do !!!!

    Eventually we sort of crept out one by one to the 1812 .. My Uncle said he did that on purpose !!!!!! He had to have the last laugh ..
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  13. I find blind faith album a bit iffy
  14. The music is not as bad as the presenter's downright upbeat tone.
  15. A friend of ours had Ring Of Fire by Johnny Cash played at her cremation.
  16. My late buddy, Big Fred, had Johnny Rotten's My Way played at his funeral. All credit to the vicar, he played it uncensored and bloody loud!
  17. It was Sid Vicious Figs. But yes fair play to the Vic.
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