So, ok, we as a nation donate shat loads of cash to various scurrilous and often dodgy charities, where most of it ends up building a seaside villa for a crooked Arab of some persuasion... Where are the queue of countries donating to our cause now?... Nothing??... Really?? Just found out my elderly mum is at risk from the floods... Fuck donating to these cnuts and spend the cash here first?
Might I suggest the blame lies partly at the door of the councils who insisted on building on flood plains even when the EA had said it would be unwise? The councils agreed to planning permission anyhow and pushed it through, against the express advice of subject matter experts - on land below sea level - then people seem shocked when water floods their pubs and chip shops?
radihead I fully agree, ffs we are sending money to china and Pakistan to name two. I don't see them sending us help???????????????